In a way it all
began with great fun. On friday the 10. we had a company
summer party at
Bakken. For the first time in two decades I tried
the old
rollercoaster. The weather was awesome, at 5 we all
went to the restaurant "White
horse" for dinner. I we were about 700 people and a
very good atmosphere with a lot of food, vine, beer and
drinks. However already on saturday evening I began the
feel a sore throat and on sunday I was fulltime sick. On
monday I called in sick. I was not the only one down.
Half of my coworkers from the company party was sick too
with Corona. During the week it spread to everyone
except a few ones. I was sick both monday and tuesday
and worked from home wednesday to friday. All three days
I had to take a nap after work - a two or three hours
nap. I also passed it on to Tina who had to call in sick
thursday and friday. But she only got a Corona light and
really never got really sick.
During the weekend
we both got better and was ready for work on monday.
During this sick week I had birthday and are now over 50
years old - what a total depression - but life goes on.
My nice coworkers was so kind to decorated my table. .
On monday morning one of our
heating pumps went rouge and returned an error in
the app from Panasonic. Not knowing what was wrong I
drove down to the summer house wednesday evening to
check it out. We had a feeling, that we had to call in a
technician to take a look at it.
It was corrected - the unit would not start and returned
error. I tried to clean it and reboot - but with no
luck. Then I unplugged the unit for an hour and then
tried once more. That did the trick and the unit was up
and running once again. Instead of driving home, I
stayed the rest of the weekend and enjoyed the lovely
weather with temperatures well over 25 degrees. During
this weekend the condition of Tina's mother on the
nursery home have worsen considerably. It is hard to
say, which way it will go.
The next weeks are
totally unpredictable. I really don't know when I got
time for the next update. In this moment in time I more
feel like a bike than the rider in control.
- A short june update
A short june update It has almost been normal every day
since last update. At the gym things goes great. I have
never before closed those “for me hard” routes as I do
now. My left elbow and right shoulder still keeps up
with this pace. I have begun losing weight. I am down
between 76-77 kg. in the mornings. I don’t know why and
how – I still eat like a pig – cookies and fat all day.
Maybe it is the 20 pushup I do every morning that makes
a difference.
Last weekend we down to our summerhouse on
Iceland. It was easy going doing some garden work and
small house projects. One of the windows was lacking
around 20 cm of sealant. I found out – I really suck
doing sealant. But I made it and it looks very very
homemade. I also plugged some holes in the outside wall
with sealant. Some hummingbirds had made a nest which I
really don’t like to have inside the walls. Afterward I
checked the attic and found a small wasp nest which I
removed. I only got a stung once. I put the nest in the
freezer for an hour. That killed all the wasps. I had to
stay one extra dag and work from “home” as the chimney
sweeper came by on tuesday. That meant I had to make my
own dinner monday evening – eggs with cocktail sausages
– very cheap and awesome.
- The handyman project
I began the weekend with a cleanup of out driveway.
Earlier I had spread out road salt to kill as much as
possible. Now was the time to remove the dead roots and
loosen the pavement just a little. It took all morning
or 3 hours to do just that. Hard work down on all four
most of the time – but also very meditative.
Then onto the handyman project - The intended target was
to fix – meaning replace two sliding doors from our
winter garden to the garden. The old ones was simply to
rotten to be saved. This was my first chance to try out
my new table saw from
Metabo. During the weekend I went by the lumber
store and bought two different kind of wooden beams to test the
table saw and how the wood would look after been cut.
The test showed that the cheap wooden beams were just
fine after been cut to the wanted depth and width.
On monday I again went by the lumber store and bought 12
wood beams. Three was a bit longer as the rest of the
short ones didn’t look too good in the store.
On tuesday I cut 10 wooden beams down from 75 x 75 cm to
50 x 55 cm. The table saw did the job just fine however
made a mess and very large cleanup.
On wednesday I began the “production” of the first
sliding door. First I cut two beams for the sides to
make room for the glass. Then the middle beam on both
sides. Next I joined the sides with the top and bottom.
I used a wooden round bars and a 10 cm long screw for
the joint. That is not the best joint to make – but that
is what I can do with my talent. Next I used a router to
cut the bottom and top to make room for the glass. Then time
to put on a
Geko strip to protect the glass and to keep the
water and draft out. Next I screwed the window glazing
beads in place and gave the outside toward the garden a
paint job. The final job was to add the wheels at the
bottom and the guide wood at the top. It became a very
long day – I think I hit the bed just after midnight.
Because this was the first, very thing just took longer
On thursday I did the same thing and made the second
sliding door. This build was much faster as I knew the
process and all the correct measurements. I decided to
wait until friday to finish the build so I was able to
give it a double paintjob. Because of rain, I was not
able to do the same with the first door.
I am pretty happy about the result – this is the maximum
of what I can do. Hopefully they will last for many
years and not root away in a couple of years.
A little film clip
about the state of the old sliding doors:
We might drive down
to the summer house again this coming weekend. We both
have monday off because of
Last time I found of that some kind of bumblebee insects
have take refuge in the walls, where there is a hole
from the old power lines. That I have cover, as I really
don't like insects living in the walls. I migh also have
to fix the window at the kitchen.
At the gym thing
goes excellent. The problem with my left elbow don't
bother me that much anymore. Lately I have closed one
6b project and I
onsighted another 6b which might be and easy one or
more likely a 6a+. However I have begun to get very evil
pains in my right shoulder. Hopefully that will pass
some without becoming a real problem. The pains are very
short but powerfully.
- Cut my hair and did some garden work
My hair was about to
get to long - like annoying long and being all over the
place - so I cut it off. That kind of change my
appearance a lot. I am not sure, that it was to the
better. Anyway done is done. There is nothing I can do
now except not to cut my hair again. We spend the extra
long weekend down at our summerhouse at Lolland. We both
had friday off as it was the holiday "Great
Prayer Day". We did mostly garden work. I cleaned up
some more of the garden and made a little stone setting
to separate wilderness from not wilderness.
The next project is
to fix the sliding doors the the winter garden. The
doors are like totally rotten. I guess I have to make a
total rebuild. I am not a carpenter but what the fuck.
This is just a little handyman project. I have kind of
an idea on how to make it - but there are a lot of room
to adjust and improvise. One thing is certain - I will
have to use pressure impregnated wood to avoid immediate
rotten doors again. I have also made a sketch of the
current doors with all the essential measurements. I
have high hopes about the result.
Work kind of hard
for the moment. With one quitting the team and one soon
going on baby leave june and the months after the summer
holidays wont be boring. But thankfully I have the gym
where I can rage out on the walls.
- Apparently it can be very hard to do a simple thing
So I went to my car
pusher and got my summer tiers on the car. I asked them
to remember to update the car computer with the change
tiers - I even joked about it and told them how much
trouble I had at the old dealership. How ever on my way
home I got a
TPMS in the dashboard - ANYWAY. So I went around and
drove back to the dealership so that they could look at
it once more. This time they sworn that all was okay,
they even took the car for a test drive. How ever - on
my way home it once again gave me a TPMS error. At this
time the traffic was becoming bad because of rush-hour.
Instead I called the dealership and agreed on coming by
later. I was kind of very angry - how hard can it be?
It is simply too
much having this problem every time I change tier set.
To get rid this problem once for all I have bought a
gadget called "Quickset X". It is my hope, I
will then be able myself to change the setting of the
car. This thing is kind of expensive. But if it can save
me like four hours of driving and waiting at the
dealership twice a year it will be money saved in gas
and time for me. Usually I calculate that my hour price
is around 80 euros. With that price, it will have earned
itself just after next tier change - if the car
dealership as usually fuck it up.
The the "Quickset X"
turned out to be a chinese plastic box with some buttons
and a display - that actually works! It was as easy as
like youtube
video - what a relieve! This box will save me from
so much frustration and time - it only took 2 minutes
and a short drive to sync the computer. Hurray for cheap
chinese plastic and western intuitive.
Last friday we drove
down to our summerhouse on Lolland. The weather was
great but Tina a kind of groggy and very tried. I
immediately went to the garden. Especially the grass had
grown much since last time. I decided to help myself by
playing paving. We have used big rocks to shield a
gravel patch. But that don't work. It simply takes too
much time to cut the grass around the rocks. It was kind
of meditation for me. We had a pile of bricks in the
back garden - more than enough for two rows. Afterward I
could with ease mow the lawn in that section. On sunday
we both relaxed except I gave our front door some oil to
shine it up. The mousetraps was untouched. I guess we
got the hole family last time.
To day monday was a
bummer. Tina went to the hospital for blood work as the
nurse last time commented that she looked very pale.
later they called that her blood percentage was way to
low (4,2 percent) and that they needed extra blood
samples. I had to leave work and we meet up at home and
went to the hospital together. Tomorrow waits to bags of
blood and hopefully it will be better fast.
- So we passed 1. of may
On friday we had a
little gathering at work where we said goodbye to two
colleagues. After work we went to
Big Bowl at
It was sad but at the same time nice to end it with one
hour of bowling. After driving Tina to work on saturday
I went by Bauhaus
to buy a
router. In some weeks I am going to fix the outer
doors in our winter garden. I most likely have to make
new windows frames and so on. Anyway - I need this
router to be able to do just that. More of this mini
project will come.
After Bauhaus I got
the car washed - on monday I drive by my car pusher and
change to summer tiers. On sunday I had a good session
at the gym. My elbow still bothers me - but it seems to
be less and less. I might next time begin on a project
something else equally stupid. Later we drove by my
parents for coffee - one our way we naturally drove by a
- Easter and mice
Finally the cancer
treatment is over and hopefully forever and ever. It was
hard on
Friday with the last radiation treatment. There was
almost no energy left. Thankfully some energy returned
fast - but still.... It was a good choice to drive down
to the summerhouse. Lots of relaxing and small sessions
in the garden and then some more relaxing. My elbow
still sucks - so I settle with doing some small project
like painting a wall in our dining room, cleaning the
flagpole and fixing the terrace and making it a little
more storm proof.
1 / 14
Time to buy a new pennant
2 / 14
I took down the flagpole and washed all the
algae off. Then a layer of Tuttle wax.
3 / 14
Nice and shiny
4 / 14
Tina doing the greenhouse
5 / 14
The terrace before - stones keeping the roof
from flying off
6 / 14
And it is a little bit rotten
7 / 14
First a new windshield
8 / 14
The disaster - I took the wrong and shorter
end of the wood.
9 / 14
Back to the barn and make an extension
10 / 14
Then a perfect fit - no way the roof will fly
off now
11 / 14
We heard some strange noise from the attic. We
bought three mouse traps. The big black cost like 8 time
more than the traditional wood traps.
12 / 14
One of three mice we caught. One was even
alive, so I had to step on it.
On thursday I went
by the russian
embassy to this picture. So funny, went you look at
their homepage, that their mail address is a "gmail" -
how stupid funny is that?
Else it has just
almost been normal everyday. Except as I woke up
tuesday, I had to call in sick. Today wednesday and the
rest of the week, I will be working from home. The next
update is uncertain. We are nearing the fifth week with
the radiation treatment. We will most likely drive down
to our summerhouse at some point.
- A little late and short update
Last week simply
went away too fast. The weather was totally nice - sunny
and it felt like almost an early small summer. On
wednesday I went to
shopping center and
Joe and the juice
for an after work juice and cake with an old coworker.
That was nice sitting in the sun and just talk about
stuff and everything. Later Tina and I went shopping at
Bauhaus and bought
the Sierra Sable from
Bosch that I wanted to help me in the garden. On
friday we drove down to Lolland for our one year wedding
day. I had the first start up of out new lawn mower.
Else it was very relaxed - I will keep this update
I took a little
detour home on tuesday. I took the road behind City Hall
Vester Voldgade down to the inner harbor and then
Little long bridge and onwards to
Christanshavn. After the bridge, I totally forgot to
take pictures. I worked from home on thursday just after
lunch I went to
to my old car dealer to pick up the summers tires for
the car. That was a fast deal it only took just over 1
hour. They had the tires ready for pick - so no worries
there. I still want to wait to change the tires on the
car. We still have temperatures below zero at some
nights so it is still to early to change.
Same as last week I
also this week had
long working hours simply because I had nothing else to
do. The first week of radiation treatment came and went
away. Now there is only 4 weeks left. On friday I
finally returned to the gym for an easy climbing
session. My elbow is still fucked up, but easy climbing
kind of helps just a little bit. I just have to be
extremely careful. The gym was full with brand new
routes after the competition last weekend. I really have
to be careful the next weeks not to over do anything
stupid or crazy.
Next week will be
insane busy. Most likely gym on tuesday, meeting up with
a old colleague wednesday. On friday a farewell
reception and when we will hit Bauhaus and then down to
Lolland for out one year anniversary. Work will also be
busy because of some important deadlines. It is going to
be a pretty fast week then :-)
- The Bird Island and Lolland
I speed a lot of
hours at work last week. Not because it was busy - it
was more like that I had nothing else to do. I didn't go
to the gym because I am trying to save the stupid elbow
that is still giving me problems. so I decide to do some
overtime instead. On tuesday I took a detour around the
lakes to
Østerbro. Then around
The King's New Square where I bought a bottle of
sweat rum at a store called
Private Selection.
On my way home I came by my very old work at
Christianshavn Square at the library.
I got the car
serviced on wednesday. It all went very well. I have to
get used to, that it is small business. They open at 8 -
that is late in my world. But they seem kind and take
their time with the customers. From now on, they will be
my permanent car pusher onwards.
On my way home
thursday I went by the
City Hall Square - they were setting up this huge
stage. I can understand that there would be this huge
support concert for Ukraine. I don't get it - how can
one drink and have a good time at a concert - when
people are suffering and Europe most like will be back
in a form of cold war for a very very long time. I think
it is all so sad.
On friday we drove
down to our summerhouse at
Lots of sun but not that warm - still just below 10
degrees. Instead of relaxing as I am supposed to I began
cutting down the too tall hedge. That was not good for
my elbow which began to hurt a lot. I really have to
relax but it is just so hard. There will be no gym time
this week either.
On monday we went to
the hospital for the first radiation treatment. The
first one out of 25. Five time a week for five weeks
ending on friday the 25. of april. I don't know how
tough it is going to become - we hope for the best.
- busy week
Monday was the first
day this year, where I didn't have to use light on my
bike in the morning - it was blue skies and the sun was
close to the
horizon. At work I tried out one of the quite zone
tables. That was actually very nice. Not talk and much
more work. After work I took a quick session at the gym
- just around 2 hours - and then home again. Already
tuesday I was at the gym (again) - just for easy
climbing as the large overhang wall was striped because
of the competition this weekend. It seams like, my elbow
hurts a little less than last week. Anyway - my next gym
session will be next tuesday after a 7 day break.
At work we have free
seating. I am tall and some of my coworkers are hobbits.
I had a good laugh thursday - the table was set so low,
that I could not have my chair there. Thankfully the
height of the tables are adjustable. On saturday I fixed
our room in the attic. The roof have been leaky and
water and it has been dripping water. Now the roof have
been fixed and it was time to fix our room too. It was
kind of an easy puzzle. I just had to put up the wood in
the same place as it was removed. I put up some old
wooden plank as support where we had cut between the
wood beams.
I also washed our
car saturday. Next week it is time for the 4 year/60.000
km. service. It is going to be interesting as I have
booked service at a new car dealership. Hopefully it
will be smooth and without any problems. At the carwash
I was wondering why some people use the rough paper from
the dispenser to dry their cars after the wash. The
rough paper cannot be good for the paint polish or maybe
some people just don't care. Anyway I also made a fool
of myself as I tried to drink off the bottle with turtle
wax. The moment I realized what I was doing, I quickly
looked around to see, if anyone had seen it - That made
me look even more stupid. Luckily I didn't get it in my
mouth but it was damn close!
On thursday I
finally did a long walk again. I did the "usual" trip
along the dike a 22 km. trip. I haven't done the for
like more than a year. I felt very good - except my
elbow began to hurt on the way!
Last week I bought a new
mobile phone. The battery on my old
CAT S31 have begun a trip of accelerated decay. I
pretty sure, that in 6 months time it will die. I didn't
want a Samsung, iPhone or CAT. And I didn't want one
that cost too much as the battery will lose power after
2 years anyway. I ended up with a
Motorola Edge 40. It mainly because of the battery
and the prices just around 165 Euros. I said to Tine,
that this might be the first phone, that I don't
instantly hate - that is big words from me. Hopefully it
will last at least 2 years.
- More about my retard elbow
The wind almost
killed me on monday. Strong head on winds - leftovers from
the storm passing last weekend made my bike ride to work
very interesting. I was pretty sweaty and exhausted as I
arrived. Mostly I have the offices for myself between 7 and
until sometime after 8. I went to the gym both tuesday
and thursday. My elbow still hurts. On tuesday I tries
wearing support bandage all day - but take seemed to
make it more worse. My armed really hurted all
wednesday. I asked Tina if she could crochet something
for me - something to keep the elbow warm. That was
great fun and made me look stupid. I found out it helped
more using it as a pillow on the desk for my elbow. Most
likely the coming week will be gentle at the gym. They
are striping the walls on the big overhang and building
new routes for the competition next weekend. I am not in
that competition - with my retard arm it would be
completely stupid.
On saturday we went
to dinner at an old coworker of mine and her man. We
ended up drinking too much wine and playing
Against Humanity until 1 am. I woke up for a piss
around 6 am and was still feeling drunk and intoxicated.
The time was almost 10 sunday before I finally left the
It is very
interesting to observe how fast "normal" life has
returned after all this chinese Corona. People still get
sick - but don't die anymore or aleast not more than if
it was a normal flue. This I am very happy about and I
hope it will last for a very long time.
- For some winter vacation for others and me WORK
Either week 7 or 8
people usual take one week of
vacation as public schools closes down for one week
for winter holidays. This means quality working time at
work - as most people are gone or work from home. Most
of the management also use this week to rest. No new
mails and time to catch up and plan the coming season
until the summer holidays. I went to work monday to
wednesday. On monday the skies were awesome as the sun
came up over the horizon. On thursday I work from home
as the weather was very poor and Tina and I decided to
drive to our summerhouse thursday after work. On the way
we went by Bauhaus
and bought ourselves and new lawnmower. Last year as we
took over the house, we just bought the smallest and
cheapest one. But it simply takes too long time with
this small machine. The new one is almost twice as big
as the old one. I am looking forward to try it out when
the weather gets hotter.
Getting the new
machine assembled was tricky - the manual was not like
an Ikea furniture - but we managed. At the end we had
two bolts as leftovers. We had to revisit the guide and
we found where they were suppose the be. The manual
covers like four or five different type of lawnmowers -
so actually am I not 100 percent sure about how to start
it and operate it. But how hard can it be? It only has
two handles and one line to turn it on. I guess I just
have to fill it with oil, gas and then pull the line.
Again we went to the bakery to buy Shrovetide bun and
spend time on puzzles. We also spend time cleaning the
garden and removing old crap and garbage. At some point,
most likely the coming summer we have to do something
about our winter garden. There are coming water from
outside when it rains - that's not good. But that is
going to be a bigger project.
I went to the gym on
both monday and tuesday - On tuesday the weather was
super nice as I drove though Copenhagen on my bike. My
stupid left elbow still bothers me and hurts. I have to
plan ahead and mostly climb with a straight arm. I
really hopes it will pass away soon.
- Some more about the tooth problem
My stupid tooth
still hurted on monday. I worked for home on tuesday
hopping the dentist would have time to sort it out. But
I had to wait until wednesday. Thankfully I could just
eat pills and the pain would go away - but still - I
don't like pills either. The dentist said, that nothing
but a root canal treatment would do the job - crap. That
means, that this tooth have cost me around 1.700 euro -
the most expensive tooth in my mouth. The pain is gone
now - so I guess it was the right thing to do. Later
wednesday I went by the local discount shop around the
corner to buy cake and chocolate and did some good old
comfort eating.
I went to the gym
both tuesday (on pills) and thursday (without pills) -
My stupid left arm/elbow still hurts like shit. Climbing
don't seems to make it worse or better - as long as I
remember to climb with a straight arm. On thursday I
onsighted this new
6a+ on the big overhang - that felt very good - even
though my body fells like it is half broken. On thursday
before climbing I meet up with some old coworkers for a
beer at Taphouse - it
always nice to talk about the state of the world, works
and our wife's.
Work is okay for the
moment. Some old decisions many years ago have begun to
hunt us. I think we have ridden the storm off - but you
never know - the bottom line is - when things goes
sideways. It always gives us more work.
- Tooth and hair problems
Some weeks ago I
broke one of my teeth. On thursday I finally got a
crown on. That worked okay until the anesthesia
passed. Then it began to hurt pretty good. Thankfully we
have some good painkillers at home. I decided to wait
until after the weekend to do anything about it. If I
returned to the dental on friday, he would just begin to
do some more drilling. This sunday the pain is still
there but much much less - I hope it all will quite down
and just pass away.
My left arm and
shoulder still worries me. Instead of just pushing
myself, I took all week off from the gym. Hopefully it
all will recover that much, so I slowly can begin going
to the gym again. On tuesday I made myself blonde again.
It looks awful but why the hell not?
Last tuesday all the
chinese Corona restrictions were canceled. People got
sick, not not hospitalized - so back to the good old
days. Hopefully this time it will last for like
- My left arm is a retard arm
So I did it again -
went to the gym and behaved like a 5 year old and bum -
I got a tennis elbow and a grumpy shoulder. The shoulder
is quite painful - it really suck getting old. I cannot
even fart in the wind with out getting my asshole
overstretched. However that will most likely means no
gym time this week - but then I just might go for a long
walk instead - maybe along the dike. I haven't done that
walk for a long time.
Last week I still
had long working hours. However on friday my boos
decided that we all should go out for a guided tour at
City Hall and lunch afterward. That almost went
well. Because some activists had announced a happening
at City Hall, they had to closed down all guided tours.
Instead we went to
Round Tower and lunch at
Rio Bravo. I
worked home both thursday and friday because we are
moving around at work. We are moving from the 1. floor to
the 2. floor. Less space and sitting more tight.
On friday I pick up
my new chainsaw a Stihl
MS 211 C-BE. I haven't tried it out yet - but it
looks very useful. On friday it cost 3.085,- Dkr. but now
on monday it cost 3.250 Dkr. - some money saved there.
I have planed to cut down some more trees when the
spring time comes. Later friday we drove down to our summerhouse to spend
the weekend. I washed the car and we drove to the local
bakery and bought "Shrovetide
bun" - they were very yummy yummy. On the night
between saturday and sunday a little storm passed
Denmark - it was not that bad, just some flooding and so
Even though my arm
and shoulder hurted - I went to the gym sunday evening.
It was kind of okay - I was not climbing that hard
anyway. But later as I was trying to sleep, I could
really feel the shoulder in a very bad way.
Going to the
hospital turned out to be very very good. There was not
cancer in the biopsy what so ever. It was only scare
tissue from the cancer left. because the result was so
surprising good, maybe it will not be necessary with the
radiation treatment after all. But first the doctor have
to conferee with others doctors about this result. On
wednesday this week we will know the result of this.
With a great relief we drove down to out summerhouse
wednesday afternoon. On thursday the carpenter came by
and installed our new patio door and a new door to our
kitchen. It took almost the hole day to get them
installed. The new doors are far better insulated and we
don't need a large curtain in front any longer.
We had a nice
sunrise on saturday with a lot of red skies. Later I
began to make a fire in our homemade barrel. As last
time it became pretty hot pretty fast.
On monday we both
went to work for the first time since the operation -
cheers for that.
I had some long
working hours last week because of the accounts closing
down. This week will most likely be just as crazy - but
not like last year, where it became too much. With just
a little bit of luck, things will quiet down in the
beginning of february. I went to the gym sunday
afternoon - that was awesome. They had build this new 6B
on the overhang - and I almost made after two attempts.
I am confident that I will do it next time. Hopefully I
will go to the gym both tuesday and thursday. Time is
still a valued resource in our life.
- Much have happened
The cancer operation
went as good as possible. For us it was a big operation
- all blue, yellow and black afterward. Later this week
we will get the result of the biopsy and yet another
doctors appointment where we hopefully will talk the
coming radiation treatment. But it has been some long
days - lots of things to get done and only one to do it.
Last week my
buddy from the gym wrote, that she was positive for the
chinese Corona. I have no symptoms and have therefore
not been tested. Instead Tina and I drove to our
summerhouse to relax for the weekend. However I still
went to the gym both tuesday and thursday. This week is
kind of uncertain regarding gym time. At work we are
closing down all the accounts from last year. This
monday I worked almost 12 hours. Thankfully we have a
hard deadline wednesday at 4 pm, where the system is
closed down.
On top of this
all busy time I broke a piece of a tooth. Thankfully it
doesn't hurt - so it has to wait until next week. Beside
the hospital we will also get our new terrace doors
installed and a new door to the kitchen with better
insulation. Life is flying by with 150 km. pr. hour and
I can barely hang on.,
- New Year and new wardrobe
After the cancer
treatment at the hospital on tuesday we drove down to
out summerhouse on
- or as an old friend called it -
Hipster Island. We finally got our new
Wardrobe assembled. It was a heavy job - it weight
almost 80 kilos and we had to carry it up to the 1.
floor in piece by piece. It took almost a hole day to
put it together. The result look nice and super for the
price. Now we have somewhere to put our clothes instead
of these big transport boxes we have used so far. I got
the last tram furniture on "legs" so it can be used
inside. I think they are from the 60s - but it is hard
to tell.
It was very nice,
for the first time, to spend New Years eve down at the
summer house. It was very very quite only at midnight
there was some fireworks - but not as much as in
Copenhagen. As always we had Lamb chop, potatoes and
tzatziki. As a starter we had avocado with prawns from
Greenland. We almost bought some prawns from Vietnam -
but I have begun to to check the country of origin when
we buy food. Why should we buy something from half the
way around the earth, when we have both us self, Norway
and Greenland close by. And more over - don't want to
buy food from china as they suck, have poor standards
and only think of profit.
As always we watched
two movies - this year it was
Resurrections and then
Let There Be Carnage. Matrix sucked the most - it
was like lame! Tina said, that she had wasted 2 1/2 hour
on a lame ending - it was really a stupid movie. Most
likely it was the profit that mattered the most, when it
was made - what a shame and most likely never to be
watched again. The Venom movie was okay but without
being great in any way.
Next week is a
totally black box. It all depends on how the operation
goes and what state we are in afterward. I am not sure -
when I have time for the next update - Time will tell -
it always does.
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