Something by
Claus Ulstrup


Last update 2022-07-13
Next update: 2022-01-09


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2021-12-27 - Christmas and all that stuff

On monday last week we went to the hospital to talk to the surgeons about the future and the cancer. We are going to get an operation the breast and removal of all the lymph nodes in the right arm pit. It is going very fast now - the operation is already in the beginning of january. To days before we have to have a negative chinese Corona test. So now we try to minimize our contact to other as much as possible. That means not going to the gym and me driving us to and from work. Anyway my offices is closed between christmas and new year - forced vacation or just time of. I guess at some point, the hard times have to disappear into the binoculars - but now we still have some huge hills in sight.

The last days at work last week was very very quite. Both tuesday and wednesday I was all alone at the offices. Half of the offices had already gone on vacation, the other half was working from home. On tuesday I went to the bike cycle dealer for the before 2 months service. I worked from home on thursday and pulled the plug after lunch.

We held christmas at Tinas sister and her husband. It was nothing great just around 11 in total. We came around 4 for coffee - then setting up the table and so on. We had roast pork and duck for dinner and risalamande for dessert made by my Tina. After dinner it was round the tree and then opening presents. Time flew by, the last present was unpacked around 11:30. We hit our beds just after 1 am. Saturday was a day off where we did nothing except washing three machines clothes. On sunday we went to a christmas lunch around 1 pm. That was extremely had for the stomach. The menu was three kinds of herring, fish fillet, salmon, eggs and shrimp, roast pork, meatballs, pork tenderloin and risalamande.

Sorry for the pixel faces - but it is in respect of privacy.

The time for the next update is kind of uncertain. It mostly depends on how it goes at the hospital.

2021-12-19 - Trying hard to have a normal week

We decided to try to have a normal week as much as possible. As usual I was the first one at the office monday morning. I did a selfie and a picture of the "strange" christmas decoration. It look kind of chaotic - just like the way we like to work. On wednesday we went to Louisiana to look at the news art exhibitions. That was a nice trip. Because of the coming christmas and the chinese Corona there were not than many people. I still have my year card - although I have not had it used for 2 years. On thursday we had this huge PET scan which took all morning until lunch. On monday next week we have this important talk the the surgeons about the future and how cancer they can remove.

On my way home friday I took a picture of the christmas tree at City Hall Square and the sun going down at Long bridge. We spend most of the weekend cleaning and doing christmas stuff. On sunday we first went by Tinas mother at the nursing home - She had just come back for a hospital. She didn't look well at all and we left quickly as she was very tired. Afterward we drove to my parents at Albertslund to exchange christmas presents.

2021-12-12 - One mishap rarely comes alone

Yet another tough week. We had a doctors appointment on monday. No more chemotherapy from now on. We are going to get a complete scan and then most likely an operation and then radiation treatment 5 days a weeks for 5 weeks. That message left me breathless. I have had all kind of thoughts about the meaning of life and everything. On thursday I got a message from one of the heat pumps at our summerhouse, that it had stopped working because of a blocked fane. Not knowing what that meant I drove down there in the morning hours to check it out. I was worried that something had broken and we needed someone to check it out. It turned out, that it was totally iced up. The combination of setting it on low effect and the wind chilled was not good - not good at all. I got it almost deiced - but I had to run it at 20 degrees inside for it to work again - at still it began to ice up again. I guess we have to have it moved to a less exposed position. But not now! I stayed down there friday and work via VPN. I drove home saturday. I found out, that I could connect our pellet furnace to the internet so I can access it from home and turn it on, if it gets frosty again.

Every time I or we leave the house we always take a walk around to check everything is okay. This time I noticed that something hard have hit a window frame. Yet another thing I have to fix. It's hard to be a house owner. There will always be things to fix! And most of the things will cost you money. I am looking forward to some gym time next week to take my mind off things. Still my problems fade when compared to real world problems. But that don't give my much comfort - thankfully I have Tinas arms.

2021-12-05 - Tough week

I went to the gym 4 times this week. Tuesday and Thursday and then friday and saturday with my old buddy who moved away four/five months ago. My fingers feel very used this sunday and my body is kind of stiff. The weather is more and more winter'ish. On thursday I had to drive though snow on my way to work.

On monday we yet again have a doctors appointment at the hospital about the cancer treatment. It is hard to say, if things gets better or worse. But the long time on chemotherapy is beginning to get harder and harder. We really hope, that they will say, that the cancer nodule has become even smaller. It takes up a lot of our time talking about it - it is always in the back of my head. In a few months the chemo and then what? In that context I really love going to the gym and clear my mind on the walls. All this uncertainty sucks.

Saturday evening we treated ourselves with huge steaks - like 400 gram ish for me and Béarnaise sauce. At the end of the night I had drunken a hole bottle of wine and begun on the rum.

It looks like, that the article on Wikipedia has been updated.

Credit: Wikipedia - I claim fair use

2021-11-21 - Christmas is coming

On monday was the annual Finance conference for the finance staff working for the city Copenhagen. Again this year it was held at Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center. It was okay without being great. It was very nice to connect to old and former colleagues. As usual the food was great. I have to remember stop working on time, else the sun goes down a quarter to four. It is nice to drive home before it is totally dark and just get a little sun light. On thursday I stopped at Long bridge to take pictures of my new bike. The bicycle basket is from my old bike. I fixed it using plastic strips - surely it can last some more years before the rust dissolve it completely. On friday (black friday) I drove by the bike pusher where I bought the bike. I bought it last friday, and they told me that if it would come on sale friday, I could get the difference back - 600 kr. back in my pocket (80 euro).

The gym semi closed early on friday at 7 because they had to set up to show Reel Rock 15. I had to go home to Tina. On sunday I also went to the gym on sunday - as I came home around 1 I got a message that our closet for out bedroom was ready for pickup. I drove down to our summerhouse - that is why the update is one day late. I picked it up to day monday with our trailer. The closet turned out to be one heavy motherfucker - 4 packages where 3 of them weighed 25 kilos each. I guess we have to open them up before carrying them upstairs.

Else this week will be quite busy. To the gym tuesday, thursday, friday and saturday and then maybe some wine. Thankfully it is very quite at work and no impending deadlines the coming weeks. I might even have a week, where I work less than my 37 hours.

2021-11-21 - New bike!

Not much happened since last update -  Naturally I have been at work and broke my cheap low price glasses I bought for like 5 years ago for 30,- kr. (4 Euro). I had to tape them up and brought my reserve par from home. I was at the gym both tuesday and thursday. I think I now got a more permanent climbing deal on tuesday which is super. Then I have thursday to screw around and do stupid shit and mess myself up. On my way to the gym I took at picture of the winter ice skate park just after the Inner Harbor Bridge.

On my way to work on wednesday yet another spoke broke on the back wheel - It is not that long ago I had the same problem and paid my local bike pusher to fix it. This time I change strategy. The spokes are not the only problem - the brake at the back end makes funny sounds even after giving them oil. Sometimes they also makes this "clonk" noise which is uncomfortable also from the rear breaks! Also the gear is half broken where only 4 out of 7 works and then it is more than 7 years old. On friday I decided that it was time for a change. I have been saving money each month for 2 years so it was just a question about making up my mind. I really wanted one just like the one I am used to - a Kildemoes Logic. Cykeleksperten at Vanløse (15 min. on bike from work) had the right size in stock - I went by the shop friday afternoon and bough myself a new bike (sorry no photos yet). On saturday I got a text, that it was ready for pickup. I drove though Copenhagen on my way home and I fell okay. The gear change is different and I was almost half way home before I figured out how to downshift properly. I am convinced that I will be glad for the bike. Both monday and wednesday next week I have to park in the city center - I think I will change bike wednesday evening and then only use the new one. I will surely with next weeks update have some pictures.

The chinese Corona is on it way back - until now everything have been relaxed as not that many people dies anymore. Apparently it is mostly those not vaccinated who gets really sick and hospitalized. Lets see what happens the next many weeks - hopefully we will just ride this damn chinese shit off. I guess in china a top shot like Zhang Gaoli can get away with rapping the tennis player Peng Shuai. Then just use the heavy censorship to delete the hole case and Peng. 


The chinese Corona is on it way back - until now everything have been relaxed as not that many people dies anymore. Apparently it is mostly those not vaccinated who gets really sick and hospitalized. Lets see what happens the next many weeks - hopefully we will just ride this damn chinese shit off. I guess in china a top shot like Zhang Gaoli can get away with raping the tennis player Peng Shuai. Then just use the heavy censorship to delete the hole case and Peng - what an awful government.

Credit: Wikipedia - I claim fair use

2021-11-15 - A very long update

Week 43
The week after last update was almost too interesting. On tuesday I was one Power BI course. That was very nice and productive - if only I had the time at work to do something more. Later I was at the gym - that went like shit! Quickly my fingers went rotten and betrayed me. I might have forgot the rule about slowly warming up. Anyway - there will always be a next time.

On thursday I drove the this new car dealer to get the car fixed. They were nice and welcoming. I had to sit for sometime - but no worries. I think I might use them from now on. In the evening I drove to pick up Tina at her work. That almost went disaster wrong. On my way to pickup Tina a van stopped on the road indicating driving right , I though she was going to turn right - instead she put the car in reverse for parking. I was pretty close and she didn't check her mirrors. But fast I was too in reverse and no harm done.
On the motorway home with Tina some random guy in a Q7 tried to overtake on the inside where it was kind of stupid. It was only for pushing the next car. So I kind of closed the gab so there was no chance of doing that. That made him angry and tried to push into out lane. However I am not the guy someone wants to play chicken with. So no space for him. That made him even more angry! When he finally passed the right way around and then tried cut us off by breaking - just like I expected him to do. I continued into the the emergency lane and made a full stop . So did he - I was quickly out of the car and walk toward him as he came out of his car. When he saw me he quite and quickly returned to his car and drove away fast - what an asshole. We waited a a couple of minutes and then also drove away. Tina was very shocked - it went from a normal trip home to something which could have gone very wrong so quickly. I am very glad, that I decided to make the full stop in the emergency lane quickly and thereby stopping any further driving stupidity. I am also very glad that the idiot quickly left in his car without any further discussion.

Friday evening we both drove down to our summerhouse for one week vacation. I call it vacation - but in reality it was more like garden work! It began on saturday with mowing the lawn, hopefully for the last time this year. The Lawnmower also collected all the leaves from the trees. The result was very nice. Sunday we cleaned out the old pellet container in the "barn" dash "garage". There were lots of dirt and huge spiders which were pissed off because they were losing their home and hunting fields.

Week 44
Tuesday began very unusual as a pheasant did a kamikaze run and hit one of our windows just as we were eating breakfast. I was looking out just as it came around a corner and didn't managed to stop. I think dead was instantly and the neck was broken. His buddy was lucky enough to stop before the glass. Kind of interesting how his buddy kind of cared for him by pushing him a little and wanted him back alive. I went out and took off the head with a shovel, just to make sure that there would be not more suffering. No - we didn't eat it! After breakfast I began cutting down bushes and trees while Tina was cleaning out some flower beds and so on. Some time after lunch she got tiered and went inside. Just after 2 pm the local timber dealership came by with two pallets of pellets for the furnace. That was heavy work - 2 times 56 bags of 16 kg and maybe 25 more bags inside the house. I guess I moved about 2 tons of pellets. Went I came inside Tina was like shit. She had a fever and was shaking - we decided that we should call the hospital. We have been warned about fever because of the chemotherapy and that an infection and fever quickly can get out of hand. At around 6 pm the doctor called back and said we had to return to Copenhagen at once for a closer examination. Tina had taken two Panodil and was in a kind of okay state. But we decided still to take the two hour drive back to Copenhagen just to be on the safe side. That was the best choice of the year - as we came close to Copenhagen the heavy fever came back and she was shaking. At the hospital they took countless liters of blood to find the cause of the fever. They began to give her antibiotics and wanted the keep her for the night. I was home just before 11 pm. Luckily Tina was okay the next morning Around 1 pm she was "released". She was so find and healthy that we returned to Lolland and our summerhouse again. That was a very scary thing to experience.
Tina was of cause grounded until saturday. I did some more cutting down tress and bushes and drove it away to the recycling yard. We drove home early sunday just after 2 pm. I wanted to be home before dark because the weather forecast had some indications on rain later. I just don't like driving in dark and rainy weather.

Week 45
Monday was back at work and a long day. I was two times at the gym. Since my buddy moved away my training has been a little bit like a bum - from one person to another. Anyway I woke up wednesday with a great deal of pain. I guess I have been working to hard on the auto belay at the gym - but nothing that painkillers could not remove. The gym was partially block because of the danish climbing championship the coming weekend. Tina thought she had the weekend watch at work. But she had forgot, that she had swapped with a colleague. Therefore we decided to once again to spend the weekend at Lolland. We didn't do much except making a little fire out of some old wood and garden waste. I had a struggle with my chainsaw - it is so old that I can't remember when I bought it - most likely +10 years. We had bought a chainsaw file but little it helped. I think somehow it is not giving oil to the chain as it is supposed to. Anyway I am now 99 percent convinced than there is no more to do about it and let the saw die with peace.

1 / 12
Passing New Harbour on bike on my way to the gym
2 / 12
Cleaning the garage - before
3 / 12
Cleaning the garage - after
4 / 12
One dead pheasant
5 / 12
All the birds are flying south
6 / 12
Moving bag of pellets
7 / 12
Cutting down trees and bushes
8 / 12
That gave just a little more sunlight :-)
9 / 12
Selfie monday morning
10 / 12
Just a little fire
11 / 12
Oh no the concrete is breaking up
12 / 12
And is now totally broken

2021-10-24 - Quite before the storm

Now we have to wait to after 8 am until sunrise. It is proper dark as I ride my bike to work half past 6. Because many have been on holidays, work has been unusual quite. Still I did overtime as I wanted to get things done before next week where everyone is back. Also I will only have three efficient workdays next week due to one day of Power Bi course and one day, where the department will discuss work program for next year.

I have decided to dump my now former car dealer - Car Special. On thursday I got the tiers on our Subaru Crosstrek changed to winter tiers. However they kind of forgot to tell my, that they could not or would not change the settings in the driving computer. Now I therefore have a permanent TPMS warning in the dashboard. Naturally I drove back to complain but they were kind of "we don't care" and "it will solve it self, when you change back to summer tiers again" ish. I was clear, that it was more profitable to simply pull the plug and go somewhere else - like forever! Next thursday I have made a appointment at a new place, to get the car computer reset. I have been thinking simply to buy the equipment, so I can do the change myself. But not this time - I will give this new car dealer a chance as my plan A and wait with plan B.

The next update is kind of unclear. We have both vacation week 44 and will drive down to our summerhouse for a relaxing week of garden work and so on.

News on the Tupe

A very fascinating and very visual disturbing music video at the same time. I wonder why it almost got a million hits in just two days. Personal I will change the channel now
JEZ_EBEL - In Her Eyes
This one made my fell old and dirty. However behind my dirty mind hides a very original and well made music video as good as expensive red wine. Worth washing - a big recommendation from here
Russian Village Boys x Cosmo & Skoro - Cyka
Just a joy to watch. Wild Russian just having fun and making music - I always watch their new stuff and usual it is as good as wired.
Moby - 'The Lonely Night'
[ft. Kris Kristofferson & Mark Lanegan]

This is no a music video - but I really appreciate this song. I guess we all in some way struggles with our dark thoughts without a way out.

2021-10-17 - A completely normal week - first one since like forever

This was the first "normal" week for a long time. Just work, the gym and staying home - more and less! On wednesday I took the car to the car wash - I can't remember the last time I washed it. It must be before the summer holiday sometime in june. It really helps giving the car wax. The dirt simply blows away on the motorway going south. I only have had to wash off the bugs in the front. But now it is washed and partly waxed again. Next thursday it is time for winter tires. As I booked time I found out, that my car dealer is no longer an authorized Subaru dealer. The next service will most likely be around march next year - I guess I have to find a new car dealer before then.

On my way to work friday I had a big rain shower - but nothing my raingear couldn't handle. There was not that many driving to and from work - also next week is the official "autumn vacation" in Denmark. Most schools and educations will be closed, but not Tina and I - we will still go to work. I call it primetime, because so many people are off. There will hopefully be quite and lots of quality time to catch up and get shit done.

This sunday I wanted to adjust my saddle on my bike. I wanted it adjusted just a little further back so I get a better flow with my legs. As a bonus it turned out, that the back tier was flat. I guess than on my way home from the gym on saturday I must have struck something on the road. I fixed it like in the old days. I need a a bucket of water to find the hole as it was a tiny little one.

I was in the gym both tuesday, thursday and saturday. On thursday I overstretched my right fuck finger on this crimpy boulder problem. Nothing is broken or torn - but the message from the finger is to take it easy  a weeks time.

2021-10-13 - an october update

Last wednesday we made apple juice with the rest of the apples from Lolland. It turned out to be impressive 10 liters of juice. Now we know the system - wash - cut - press - heat treatment - bottle. Some Italian disco helped us on our way. We drove down to Lolland on friday and stayed until sunday. The weather was super nice. Kind of cold in the morning but then up to 15 degrees later. We both took a powernap saturday afternoon. We had to cut down a part of an apple tree because it had this huge crack from the windy weather some weeks ago. We rather do it ourselves than waiting on nature. I have begun sport of removing ivy again. I still try to go to the gym as much as possible. Last tuesday I had a casually talk to a buddy, who wanted to begin climbing again. I meet her again this tuesday and we most likely climb again next tuesday - If lucky this could last the winter season.

On thursday I meet up after work for beers at Taphouse with some old friend - nice to once again talking about the state of the world and everything.

1 / 16
Sunrise on saturday
2 / 16
Out house in this funny light
3 / 16
Misty morning
4 / 16
The crack has become much larger than last week
5 / 16
Cutting down tree
6 / 16
Cutting down tree
7 / 16
Cutting down tree
8 / 16
Nice big hole in the apple tree
9 / 16
After taking a powernap
10 / 16
Cleaning the backend of the garden
11 / 16
Ivy - to go
12 / 16
The apple juice factory
13 / 16
Filtering dirt from the juice
14 / 16
The final product - we didn't have enough bottles so we had to improvise
15 / 16
Quiet morning - no wind on my way to work
16 / 16
City Hall

The sunset on saturday evening

2021-10-04 - Yet anther brand new week gone

I drove down to our summerhouse tuesday afternoon. Wednesday I had a guy looking at our doors to out winter garden and to the utility room. We really want to change them. Thursday we go our new silo for the pellet furnace installed. That means no going outside anymore and that we don't have a silo with a lots of pellets that are never burned. I drove home thursday afternoon as I had to go to work in person friday. Later friday - Tina and I drove back down to Lolland for the weekend. We harvest all the rest of the apples and found out, that our walnut tree had dropped 9 walnuts.

One of the apple trees have a huge new crack. Next time down there, we have to begin cutting it down. I really don't it coming hard during a winter storm. I don't mind - it is a huge tree and kind in the way. We drove back home on sunday evening for the first time, it was dark before we got home - surly the winter darkness is coming for us all.

1 / 10
Trying to sell Tinas homemade jam.
2 / 10
A before picture
3 / 10
And now with the new silo attached
4 / 10
Our walnut tree
5 / 10
Only one or two days old walnuts
6 / 10
A coworker said they looks like brain - I think she is right
7 / 10
The leaves are coming
8 / 10
I got the lawn mowed
9 / 10
The "broken" apple tree
10 / 10
Long time since a selfie? 

I had a busy monday at work. Arrived at 7 and left at 5. We are working on the last and final forecast this year, where it is possible to "move" budget to 2022. It looks like, we have to do a lot of work, before we can finish. Anyway tomorrow I will surly go to the gym for a session.

2021-09-27 - Climbing trip to Gothenburg

Friday morning we drove from Copenhagen to Gothenburg. A short road trip which took 3 hours. We began at Landvetterklippan. That was kind of okay but wet. At some routes it was too wet. After doing what was possible for us we drove onward to Seglora. However it began to rain heavily. We agreed that it was enough climbing for one day and drove to Tjörn and Tjörnbropark. That turned out to suck - the apartment we rented was pretty worned out. The kitchen totally dirty and the water heater was broken - so not hot bath that day. I am sure, that the manager knew it - what an asshole. When we left all the staff was gone, so we just left the keys. Never go to Tjörnbropark!!

On the second day we climbed at Viks Kile (also pretty wet) and then Sibräcka - very nice in the sun. We had most likely up to 20 degrees. This nigh we found a prober hotel "Quality Hotel - Winn Göteborg". On our last climbing day we went to Âlvbroklippan and had an awesome climbing day with almost dry rock.

1 / 20
Arriving at Landvetterklippan
2 / 20
Climbing Kärlekssprickan 5c
3 / 20
It had a very wet midsection which made it quite scary
4 / 20
Dirty kitchen at Tjörnbropark - never go there!
5 / 20
Dirty kitchen at Tjörnbropark - never go there!
6 / 20
A getaway car from a bank robbery
7 / 20
Walking toward Viks Kile
8 / 20
Climbing Rampage 5C and trying the extension Corona Virus 6a
9 / 20
Nice view over the water
10 / 20
Nice blue skies - but cool as we climbing in the shadow
11 / 20
Moving on to Sibräcka
12 / 20
This time climbing in the sun - very nice.
13 / 20
My buddy climbing
14 / 20
The rope is ready for climbing
15 / 20
The longest route was 37 meters - we only had a 70 meter rope - but we made it
16 / 20
One happy face - long time since last time
17 / 20
Planning ahead a Âlvbroklippan
18 / 20
Climbing "Baby on board" 5b
19 / 20
E45:ANS Serend 5b
20 / 20
My buddy had a private selfie moment

I am so busy these days - this climbing trip was a nice break. Work is peaking and with the gym and summerhouse time just seems to fly by. I really try and want to make weekly updates - but sometimes the time just don't seems to be there.

2021-09-20 - It is not because I am lazy

Life and time seems to be a little off sync for the moment. I have so little "private" time that I simply don't make the updates I am supposed to and really want to. I miss my old buddy so much. She left for her home country after been in Denmark for so long and climbing with me for 5 1/2 years. The gym seems very empty without her. My other friends at gym have been very kind - I am looking for some else, but it will most likely take some time, before the right one comes by. I guess I keep finding things just to do to make time go fast.

We are at a peak at work. The annual budget agreement is settled. Now we have to generate master data and so on. This monday I have a +10 hour workday. But I don't mind as long as I am able to go to the gym. I have this coming friday off. My old buddy who moved to Aarhus many years ago and me are planning at "guys" climbing trip to Götenborg this coming weekend. This will be the first time for over a year that I leave Denmark. I am very much looking forward to this trip and getting my mind off things.

Life in Denmark have completely returned to life before the chinese Corona. Basically people simply don't give a fuck anymore. As long as people don't die in the streets or hospitals I guess the government have the same standpoint.

2021-09-06 - Two weekends at the summerhouse

We spent both this and last weekend at our summerhouse. I had my last meeting friday at Tinas workplace. Just after 3 pm we headed for Lolland. The traffic was insane and we got 30 minutes delayed on our drive south. As we arrived we found yet another giant puffball in our lawn. It is a cool fungus - but it ruins our lawn and had to be removed. It is nice to see, that the new grass is growing - however to slowly in my opinion. But there is not much I can do about it not. This saturday after dinner we drove down to the beach to see the sunset. We arrived with only minutes to spare before the sun was gone. I can fell wintertime is coming - already now the sun sneaks behind the horizon just before 8 pm. 

I have begun painting window moldings for 4 windows in our winter garden. It is a slow process - I have to paint them 3 time and we are only down there every second weekend. But now I have begun - that's is kind of necessary to be able to finish. Also this saturday we went by the Danish Red Cross for used furniture. We found a good used dinner table and a very nice sideboard - and very cheap. I have begun to get tired of buy expensive china crap which really don't last that long. So now we will try to find old used stuff, which have been cared for and which will last for many more years. The bonus is, we don't have to wait 3 months or more before delivering. With the trailer we can pick it up the same day. I am very happy that Tina don't mind we are buying used stuff.

Saturday we looted one of our apple tress totally - or maybe only 50 percent. I guess we dove home with just around 30 kilos of apples. Already to we cut up and made apple juice of 12 kilos aka 4,5 liters. It was not that bad - it took around 3 hours from washing the apples to the final produce in the bottle.

1 / 21
Arriving at our summerhouse
2 / 21
A giant puffball on our lawn
3 / 21
The grass look good
4 / 21
From the 27. of august
5 / 21
From the 4. of september
6 / 21
I hope it will become more dense
7 / 21
We wanted to see the sunset
8 / 21
We came in the last second
9 / 21
Almost gone
10 / 21
But looks cool
11 / 21
I have begun to paint the next batch window moldings for the winter garden
12 / 21
More painting
13 / 21
The great apple hunt
14 / 21
Cleaning 12 kg
15 / 21
Removing the core and cutting them up
16 / 21
Then in the blender
17 / 21
Filtering the dirt away
18 / 21
The final product
19 / 21
The result board
20 / 21
We have bought a used sideboard
21 / 21
And a used dinner table and chairs

2021-08-26 - Quick update before a weekend at our summerhouse

Finally our prime minister have stopped smoking chinese Corona dope and have announced no more restriction at this moment in time - hopefully that will last for a very long time. Else it is mostly back to the altered everyday life post Corona. Still trying to be at the offices as much as possible. I left work tuesday early around 2 pm and went to the gym - just for a solo session. The other days have been kind of long meeting at 7 and leaving after 4:30 in the afternoon.

1 / 6
Weird rare clouds over Copenhagen monday morning
2 / 6
Not that much wind
3 / 6
On my way home monday
4 / 6
Tuesday morning at the offices
5 / 6
On my way home wednesday
6 / 6
And a selfie of cause

We will spend the coming weekend at our summerhouse however coming home early because I have planed a session at the gym with a buddy who is leaving town. But it is going to be interesting to see who much fruit has fallen from the trees and how much we can pick from the trees. 

2021-08-22 - Summer is falling asleep and the fall is coming

I spend all of week 32 down a our summerhouse at Lolland. The primary plan was to clean and remove a 9x9x9 meter section of the garden. I began by cutting down all the bushes. Then I began digging everything though and removing all the roots and other unwanted stuff. Finally I evened the ground as much as possible and I sowed grass. It sounds easy but was truly hard work. Sometime during the week I wished I was 20 years younger. This removal makes the daily week in the garden much easier. You can say - we are taking the power back from nature, which until now have had a free card.

1 / 15
The project
2 / 15
And from another angel
3 / 15
The beginning - cutting down the branches and bushes
4 / 15
An old tree stub
5 / 15
On my way to the recycle yard
6 / 15
All is almost cut down
7 / 15
Big difference compared to the first picture?
8 / 15
Digging though the ground and removing shit
9 / 15
Removing all kinds of roots
10 / 15
Thankfully this old tree stub was rotten and easy to remove
11 / 15
Cleaning the ground meant moving quite a bit of earth
12 / 15
After more removal
13 / 15
Cutting down a tree we don't want
14 / 15
Finally finish
15 / 15
Time to sow grass
Beside the removal project tons of shit happens that week. As I arrived the garden was full of fallen apples. As a very beautiful storm cloud passed by. One of the days I took a walk around down to the sea - just to relax a little from the garden work. Tina came by friday and immediately began to pick apples and small plums - naturally I had to take out the ladder and climb the trees. It was with a sad heart we left knowing - that until november, we can only come by during the weekends.

1 / 19
Apples all over the place
2 / 19
Surprising heavy
3 / 19
A clean lawn
4 / 19
Storm clouds coming in
5 / 19
Out for a walk
6 / 19
A selfie
7 / 19
To cross this one, I have to take off my shoes
8 / 19
Walking alone the beach
9 / 19
Windmills in the background
10 / 19
Though a forest
11 / 19
Flies on a newly cut tree stub - I don't know why?
12 / 19
Sun in the morning
13 / 19
The field next door
14 / 19
Tina is busy
15 / 19
Me in the trees
16 / 19
The neighboring field is being harvested
17 / 19
We think is mush be a giant puffball - It has just comeout
18 / 19
Back at work
19 / 19
First one at the office
Next weekend we will again drive down to our house for the weekend. Else nothing much have happened. I got my second chinese corona short - made in Germany. Again this time my armpit swollen up - don't as much as the first time - or maybe I just got used to it. I have almost stopped reading the danish news - I guess I just hope this post-chinese-corona will last and the old normality will return or just part of it. 

This sunday we made apple juice of all the apples we had brought home - in total 8 kg. It took almost 4 hours from removing the core, cutting them up, pressing and finally heating the juice up to 80 degrees. The result was almost 5 liters of juice. I am pretty sure, that we will do this again next time we come home with apples.

2021-08-09 - One hole week at the office

For the first time since marts 2020 and the chinese Corona outbreak I have been one hole week at the office. It was just good as it was hard. Hah hah half an hour on a bike each way and it was joyful every second. For celebrating this picture gallery - two pictures for everyday:











In the beginning of the week I still had problems with my arm pit because of the vaccinating against this bug chinese virus. But during the week the swollen decreased and is almost gone. On monday evening we went to Copenhill for climbing. My buddy took the key duty and we were the only one there - this was cool. On wednesday I had a good and long session at the gym.

On friday I drove back to our summerhouse for one extra week of vacation (overtime) without Tina. Usually I go hiking in Norway - where Tine don't want to go. But the borders to Norway is closed except if you are fully vaccinated. But still the weather up there are really not that great - so Lolland it is. My plan is to remove and dig up some more so we can have some more grass. The weather is not summer like - but then I can always open a bottle of wine and watch a movie.

2021-08-01 - Back from more than two weeks at Lolland and one week at work

As you can imaging much have happened since last update - but mostly down at Lolland. Below you can see some of the stuff.

1 / 29
A hare at the hedge
2 / 29
On a walk down to the sea
3 / 29
I walk alone fields on old roads
4 / 29
More cornfields
5 / 29
The short beach
6 / 29
A selfie
7 / 29
Flowers along the road
8 / 29
Setting up nets around the air vents to stop the bees
9 / 29
The air ventilation holes around the foundation
10 / 29
I washed down the gate - It turned out to be white and not gray
11 / 29
A removal project
12 / 29
A removal project - stage 2
13 / 29
A removal project - stage 3 and the next one in the background
14 / 29
Yes - I still have a low mental age
15 / 29
Tried to burn the stump
16 / 29
But failed and placed at big rock instead
17 / 29
A removal project
18 / 29
A removal project
19 / 29
Next level lawn mowing
20 / 29
Our cherry wood
21 / 29
During one or two days it was ripped off by birds
22 / 29
Some more hares
23 / 29
Cleaning project
24 / 29
Cleaning project
25 / 29
Our Fig tree
26 / 29
Around the garden
27 / 29
On my way to work
28 / 29
Back at the gym
29 / 29
The situation at work :-)

First project down at Lolland was to finish our bedroom - sorry no pictures - I totally forgot. I also forgot my daily journal on the computer down there. The next project was to buy a trailer. With this big garden we cannot live without a trailer anymore. We spend the first days with the trailer on cleaning up the garden for all the old garden waste. Then it was time for the old chicken house, which went to the recycling plant. Then we moved on to start new cleaning up projects - like removing over growing flower beds. I also finish changing the window moldings on one side of our winter garden and we bought wood for the next section.

The weather was on our side most of the time with sun and high temperatures. The first weekend Tinas family came by for lunch and dinner. Alone the next week my parents also came by for lunch.

This most be the first vacation ever, where we have spend so much time and activities together. In a week, I have an extra week of vacation (actually time off to bring down my overtime). Under normal circumstances I would go hiking to Norway. But everything is closed because of the chinese Corona - so I guess it will be a hole work week down at Lolland.

I have decided to get vaccinated after all. This will give access to the gym without two or three weekly tests. I got my first shot last monday. That went okay except some days after my armpit has swollen. It guess it will go away at some point.

It has been a quiet week at work. One three at work. from now on, we are allowed to come in very day. This is an offer I accept. For the next many months I will work from the offices as much as possible. On monday four new colleagues will start. I sincerely hope they will feel at home and we can benefit from these more hands on the deck.

We had a doctor's appointment last thursday about the cancer. It was once again very good news. Apparently the lymph nodes have recovered and the cancer thing left in the breast is only 1,5 cm now.

The next update is a little uncertain because of my upcoming one week of vacation - time will tell - it always does.


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2020 - Second half

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2019 - Second half

2019 - First half
2018 - Second half

2018 - First half 



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