Something by
Claus Ulstrup


Last update 2022-02-06
Next update: 2021-01-03

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2020-12-29 - We have bought a Villa / summerhouse

Yes we have bought this huge villa! Or more correctly a crossover summerhouse. With crossover I mean usually a house either have status of "residential" (residency requirement) or "summerhouse" (only allowed to use a certain months). But this house have a status call "flex" meaning "no rules" as long we don't use it fulltime 365.

The areal is 1.380 m2 and the house is 121 m2 on two floors. The house is located on Lolland in the south of Denmark about 2 hours drive from Copenhagen. I hope I don't offend anyone  by saying, that I think that part of the Denmark is in some sort of recession. Therefore the house prices are very favorable in relation to the buyer. That was one of the reasons why we could achieve this "Flex" status.

The house is in the middle of absolutely nowhere! There are fields on all sides of the house. You are not even allowed to use the road unless you have an errand. Our plan is - if we like the house, we will move there fulltime, when we go on pension. We will take over the house the 1. of february. This house will most likely become a big part of Tina and my life in 2021 - hopefully for the better.

2020-12-27 - Christmas and the last update this year

First a shit load of pictures. Two picture series from some long walks. The first oneis  from a long walk last sunday from home to Ishøj via first the inner dike, over the bridge to Avedøre Holme and though Køge Bay Strandpark. Second one from saturday where I did a 32 km walk around most of Amager. I began from home and walked down to Amager Beach Park, all the way thought and all the way to the Airport, then around the airport and cross Amager to the dike on the south west side, then alone the the hole dike, the to Ørestad where I cheated and took the bus to the metro to the station "DR Byen". From there I walked home - I can tell you - I was so finished and my legs were hurting like hell. On top of that - I totally forgot to eat all day.

1 / 46
The trip began with a walk though Sundholm which is has homeless shelters
2 / 46
Someone had a gang bang party on the street
3 / 46
On my way though Amager Fælled
4 / 46
A view to Ørestad
5 / 46
On my way down the inner dike
6 / 46
The bridge to Avedøre Holme in the distance
7 / 46
View over Kalvebod Fælled
8 / 46
Still many birds even though it is winter
9 / 46
The power station on Avedøre Holme
10 / 46
Yet another dike walk
11 / 46
A view behind the dike
12 / 46
The three huge windmills
13 / 46
A view up the wind mill
14 / 46
The weather was kind of tricky but thankfully it was dry
15 / 46
Some evil graffiti
16 / 46
The waterway to the last mill
17 / 46
On my way to Køge Bay beach park
18 / 46
I nice narrow path
19 / 46
A lot of sea grass - almost disgusting
20 / 46
Then it was time for a selfie
21 / 46
Back behind the dunes and the sand
22 / 46
The marina at Ishøj
23 / 46
The 32 km long walk (except the yellow line, where I cheated and took the bus/metro) Almost a complete round trip
24 / 46
A View of the inner lake at Amager Beach Park
25 / 46
The path down to the beach
26 / 46
The sea bath called "Helgoland"
27 / 46
A View over the park
28 / 46
A View back the new building. They most likely have a awesome view and pricetag
29 / 46
The closed nuclear power station over at Sweden
30 / 46
A View of the beach promenade
31 / 46
Since everything is closed because of the chinese Corona people do workout outside
32 / 46
Walking down the promenade
33 / 46
A View of the sea
34 / 46
Someone tried to cache something
35 / 46
Tårnby marina
36 / 46
The local gang of seagulls
37 / 46
The around the airport
38 / 46
Lots and lots of plans are just sitting there doing nothing
39 / 46
A view To Dragør
40 / 46
A then the long endless walk across Amager
41 / 46
Finally at the beginning of the dike
42 / 46
A View of the inland
43 / 46
There was more wind than usual and higher waves
44 / 46
Almost not rain - but absolutely not sun WHAT SO EVER
45 / 46
A View of Power Station at Avedøre Holme
46 / 46
The last picture - A selfie of cause!

Interesting how one of the mills had a defect wing which made this whining sound. Thankfully there are no neighbor out there except a power station and a water treatment plant.

I was working both monday and tuesday. However it was on wednesday the most unexpected thing happened - The sun came out for just a short while. Just had to take a picture of one of our plants.

We began christmas evening by driving by Tina's father at the cemetery. By the way - my mother in law have also got the chinese Corona. Thankfully it seems like my version - a very mild infection. I told Tina she that here mother was like a cockroach and will survive a nuclear war (naturally - in a good way). Then off we went to Tina's sister for Christmas. We were 7 in total and it was very joyful.

We had roast pork and duck roast with potatoes, caramel potatoes, red cabbage and prunes. For dessert it was of cause Risalamande. This year it was Tina's sister who found the single hidden almond.

Both Tina and I have vacation between christmas and new year. However the weather is really shitty. But I might do another long walk tuesday. On wednesday the gym buddies and I have plan a gathering which most likely will include some wine.

I have one big announcement or news - but I will not ruined the excitement with this update. I think I will do a "special" update instead.

2020-12-20 - So Denmark is closed again because of chinese Corona

Last sunday I did the usual walk around Amager Dike again. The weather was dry but doubtful grey in grey.

1 / 14
A random bridge over a small random lake
2 / 14
The high-end of Orestad
3 / 14
On my way to "Amager Fælled"
4 / 14
Very flat - grey in grey skies
5 / 14
Some more grey and trees
6 / 14
Going up the dike
7 / 14
Busy day at the beginning of the dike, with people fishing
8 / 14
Some fishing poles in the water
9 / 14
And then a fishing boat
10 / 14
After a 1/3 the dike was almost deserted
11 / 14
A very short quick view of blue
12 / 14
A look back and home I went
13 / 14
Yes - a selfie of cause
14 / 14
A View of the sea and skies

Usual at this time at year I follow the schedule of the sun. Monday next week it changes and the sun and longer evenings will return. But not this year. The hole week has been foggy and dark. The only exception was on friday, where there maybe was one hour of light - meaning the sun could shine though the clouds.

The gym is still closed and on wednesday the danish prime minister announced an almost complete lock down. Only grocery stores are now allowed to have opened. All the rest are on close down.

At times it is hard to find the drive at work. Sitting at home at hopping the best. I know for sure, that the first three weeks of 2021 will give long working hours when we close down accounting year 2020.

My christmas vacation starts at "end of offices" tuesday next week. I will most likely spend my time do some more long walks so I don't get too fat and weak.

I had high hopes for saturday. The weather rapport indicated the possibility of sun. But I waited and waited and nothing happened! At the end I took the car and drown to Ole Rømers Observatory at Vridsløsemagle. I was a totally depressing weather!

But still it could be worse I guess.

2020-12-12 - Down and up again

This was not an easy week. Both monday and tuesday I got some kind of a second wave of illness. It fell like sinusitis and headache - I have been working from home and mostly did the "need to" thing and left the rest in the mailbox.

On wednesday it felt I came on the other side of the knife edge. My head cleared up. On friday I was back at full power again and overtime. This saturday my sense of smell is finally coming back to me. I have these essential oil with anise, peach and peppermint. In the beginning I could not smell the difference but now it is coming back to me again.

Most of Denmark is now closed down because of the chinese Corona. That includes the climbing gym, I have to work full time from home and Tina's work have also closed down for customers. However as she is behind because of one week in quarantine she still meets in every day to catch up.

Hopeful next week will be more back to normal and I will remember to take pictures again.

2020-12-06 - So I got Corona too

Last sunday I got some fever and sore throat. On monday it was almost gone but I took a test just in case and called in sick. On tuesday morning I got the result and it was positive.

It is a very mild Corona I got. On thursday I was back a work - meaning working from home. Thankfully I didn't passed it on to anyone at work or Tina.

I am still effected - my sense of smell is comes and goes - but mostly gone or delayed. On top of this - the work is insane and no gym time to take off the top off things.

I will try and make a better update next weekend - but no promises.

2020-11-22 - A Yin and Yang week

Both monday and tuesday was totally insane at work. On tuesday I began at work at 7 am and finished at 7:35 pm. The hole deal was about the spending limit next year and a question from City Hall and if we could execute more projects. This year out turnover is around 282 mio. dkr. (37,5 mio. euros) Next year it could be as high as 400 mio. dkr. (53,5 mio. euros). This is a great opportunity but also a lot of work.

On monday I also had my presentation. thankfully only just over 100 people showed up via Teams. Naturally I was just a bit anxious about how it would go. But after just some minutes it went away and the time just flew away. I even got another invite next week to do yet another presentation as a follow up. But this time it is going to be a small group of people, who only work with accounting.

Tina and I have decided to start supporting a local restaurant more. We really don't want it to close down because of the chinese Corona. I guess it is a little ironic, that Restaurant Long Feng is a chinese restaurant! It is a family owned restaurant and have been there like forever. Considering the price - the food is fantastic.

At work someone have decided to fresh up the walls. One of the results is, at we now got a hello kitty meeting room. I wonder who the hell came up with that color.

From wednesday work was normal again and friday I had the opportunity to both work from home and quit work at 12:30. The weather was super perfect for a long walk. 

1 / 18
Tietgen Student Hall
2 / 18
A selfie at metro station "West Amager"
3 / 18
On my way to "Amager Fælled"
4 / 18
Very flat and lovely sunny
5 / 18
Some birds on the move
6 / 18
Some deer's
7 / 18
A look back at Orestad
8 / 18
The long walk toward the dike and view over the power station
9 / 18
At the dike and a look back
10 / 18
It was "only" around 7 degrees and very windy
11 / 18
Yet another long walk along the dike
12 / 18
A rainbow in the rearviewmirror
13 / 18
The sun is going down fast this time at the year
14 / 18
A View behind the dike
15 / 18
The end of the dike is near
16 / 18
The sun too is at the end of this day
17 / 18
The walk home went by the airport
18 / 18
Just before totally darkness

I was at the gym both wednesday and saturday - but nothing special happened. But I think I got a new project for aleast two or three weeks. It is a red 6b on the big overhang. I get very pumped in the beginning - but the finish at the top is okay. I will try and take a picture next week.

On sunday we went by my parents to return the key we got for my uncles house. The house is now completely empty after they paid someone professional to clean it out.  All that is left now is to sell the house now.  

2020-11-15 - Lets blame chinese Corona on the minks and then kill them all

I was working from home monday. Bang - and I suddenly got 1,5 hour overtime. Some of the day I was preparing a PowerPoint show (yes - me who hate PowerPoint) about accounting at the firm. Soon I will fire off this PowerPoint in front of 200 people via Teams. I am pretty sure -that is going to be an interesting experience. I have before made presentation in front of many people - but never one way via Teams.

From now one, I will try to be at the offices twice a week. Tuesday I enjoyed myself and at took the bike to work. Pretty fast I made a mess on the desk. We don't have fixed seating. Every morning I have to spend working time with this kindergarten concept. My plan was to leave around 14:30 after end of work - but I fail! But luckily I only got 1/2 hour overtime. On my way home I took a little detour home over "Little Long Bridge" and though Christianshavn Canal.

The biggest Corona news in Denmark was the decision to every mink in the country because of the connection to the chinese Corona. The Ministry of Health have sent a letter to every mink farms ordering them to cull all the minks. How every - soon afterward it became known, that it was an illegal order without legal basis. Further more there is no majority in the parliament to get the legal basis in order. This is actually a big scandal. This is where Denmark is different that Putins Russia. In Denmark no public authority may take a decision without a legitimate legal basis. I guess the minks lives to see anther day for now - or maybe just one other day.

Wednesday I made the same mess at my desk. I had planned to do a session at the gym later, but my faithful buddy had to cancel.

No worries about that. I have meet this buddy from Italy which was nice enough to do a "bonus" session with me thursday evening. Friday was just meeting after meeting from 9 to 3 pm. But it was a good day and I learned something new.

The hole week have been dark and very boring. I was very happy sunday where the sun was shining all day long or until 4:03 pm. where it went down behind the horizon.

News on the Tupe

Rummelsnuff - Müllabfuhr
This must be a hole new music genre. I don't understand all that German - but I think they love their orange clothe. I wonder, if he has underwear underneath the boiler suit? 
Blutengel & Massive Ego
Nothing But A Void

Some more German music - but in english. I like this combination of pop music and rough looking music video. Yes I like this one. It is so easy to digest
Ane Brun - Closer
A nice sweet quiet song. If it had been on Bandcamp I would totally had bought it. But until then, I just had to settle with the version on the Tupe.
BRAII - Moth, Not a Butterfly
This one a rare on. They have made this very artistic music video out of a mini-album. I might not be a fan of their music - but I am a total fan of this untraditional concept. Yes fuck mainstream - lets do something unique.

2020-11-08 - Better week than last week

On monday and thursday I had a course in SAP Analysis for Excel. Not just in how to use the tool but more about how to design the data source used in Excel. That was cool and maybe useful. On my way home, I took a picture over the inner harbor.

Tuesday was time to change from summer to winter tires. I took the car by the mechanic as they also store my tires. I was a little bit early and took a 5 min. detour by Arken - Museum of Modern Art. That was just before the clouds came and covered the sun. The winter tires look a little bit funny as they are a just a little smaller and only 17 inch alloy wheels.

Wednesday at the gym was great fun but a climbing disaster. They had build some new routes and I totally failed a brand new 6a. Not just one or two fails but many many fails. I guess I on saturday have to pull my shit together.

Thursday was second part of the SAP course. On my way home I went by our wine pusher Ludvig Bjørn and bought four bottles of 2018 Brachetto Negro Birbet. Tina loves it and that is all that matters. On my way over the bridge I took yet anther picture over the inner harbor.

Later thursday we went to Bilka at Fields to do our weekly shopping. Because of the chinese Corona we had to suite up with face masks.

I had a gym session on early saturday. I was the first on at the gym. I totally ruined my fingers and had to give up after 4 hours.

News on the tupe

Tallup - Own
I don't understand I shit of what she is singing. But this video is very disturbing even by my standards. Blood and magic - I am not sure I want do date this women.
Birdy - Just Like A River Does
This is the way I love music. Just the artist and the instrument - so lovely and true.
Yelawolf - Country Rich ft DJ Paul
I really don't believe in white trash. But this one is okay. Easy song and nice video. Not worth buy - but worth watching. How I just love the sound of those muscle cars.
Maluma & The Weeknd - Hawái Remix
Rubbish music - totally the same sound as 90 percent of other Spanish songs. The lyric and song is not good enough to compensate for this horrible music. I don't know why I even bothered to listen to it.

2020-11-01 - This was not a good week

This was a awful week because. However I am not going to tell why!! When things go sideways it is important to take responsibility, to face ones mistakes and to learn.

Else it have been a pretty quiet week. On monday Tina and I got the result from our second Corona test and that was negative as well. At work. The Boss got a contract on a work program for 2020 - one point in this program is related to me and my work. Two weeks ago, I didn't know that it existed. Anyway I just began writing and I really don't think there is much to it.

I got some great results in the gym this week. Wednesday was just at good session but on saturday I finished two 6b project. I will try and take some pictures - but usually I forget! On my way home saturday I took some pictures over the harbor and a "bonus" selfie.

I picked up my Darth Vader helm at the post offices at thursday. That is one big helmet. I guess I day have to go down in the metro with it. It already gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon - that is kind of depressing. I should really begin to do my long walks again. But at least my stomach seams to get better and better after I monday began to eat pills with intestinal bacteria. Maybe I at one point will become normal again.

News on the Tupe

Skambankt - SOS
This song is a perfect for my mood this sunday. Good song and super Cool music video.
Ava Max - OMG What's Happening
Listen to this one is just like guzzling cheap wine. It gives you absolutely no value in your live.

2020-10-25 - Fuck china

Yes Fuck china. They make shit without any soul just for profit. They at ruining the world with their virus and they are basically a fascist regime who destroy everything they don't like.

The restrictions in Denmark have this thursday have been tightened. Only 10 people can gather, we now have to wear face masks when shopping. The only positive thing is, that I have bought the ultimate face mask - most likely made in China!

Work is still quiet busy and I had some long work days both monday and tuesday. How ever the dust has begun to settle both about spending how we handle the spending limit for 2021.

Access to my work building have been change to only one access point. That means no more selfie pictures from the bike parking on the back. In the front there are too many people and I am to shy. Not many people show up at my meeting time just after 7 am. From now on, I will use my work floor.

On wednesday I was at the gym as usually. On thursday my buddy wrote me that my buddy might have been close to a person with the chinese Corona. Tina and I therefore had to be tested as well, just to make sure we don't pass anything on inadvertently. We got the result saturday which was negative. We have booked another time on sunday just to make sure. The down side is no gym time for me. I have to wait until I get the result from the second test.

Tina had saturday duty - yes she talk to her boss and he could see no reason why she could not work. After I had driven her to work I began to clean our windows and vacuum. I totally forgot to take pictures - but I did a good job!

Else my life have just been normal boring.

News on the tube

Scooter - FCK 2020
This one is perfect - that is all there is to it. Whatever Scooter makes it turns to gold! Even with highly topical lyric.
Sarah Klang - "Canyon"
She must have had great fun making this one. Her freckles are just so sexy. I am so sorry that I missed her concert in Copenhagen just before the chinese Corone
Passenger - A Song For The Drunk
And Broken Hearted
Yet another good video from Passenger. I really like him. After his break though and money he seems just to make music and videos he enjoy making and I love it.
Making Movies - Tired Of Giving In
The more I watch it the more I like it. I love the small details and the freak out guitar solo in the middle. Nice chains and super cool they use real instruments to make music.

2020-10-18 - Diarrhea, snot and still a bad shoulder

At work this have been a lovely quiet week. Most have been on vacation. It was nice with a hole week to catch up on things. However my pains in my shoulder have continued. I have tried to use left arm for the mouse to spare my right arm. That kind of worked until both shoulder began to hurt. But both painkillers and climbing are helping. I was at the gym both monday, wednesday and now sunday.

An other problem I have got is, that every time eat something hot/cold or fat my intestines and stomach release all its contents very quickly though the opening in my butt. Since saturday I have totally stopped eating hot dinner and I even put my cold yogurt in the microwave oven for 40 seconds to heat it up to 37 degrees. This is not a funny condition.

The last problem have been my nose which have been running a lot and very much ruining my working spirit. I don't know why - I might be stressed out more that I know. I found out, that 10 minutes intensive training on out indoor bike made it stop for half a day or so - too bad that is was on thursday I figured that out.

I all this misery I finally gave in and bought four fabric face masks. I bought two "you-blow-one-panda-and-here-we-are" and two "filtered-for-your-pleasure" at T-shirt hell.

Else nothing much happened - On tuesday I quitted work early and washed the car for the first time in months.

News on the tupe

Yelawolf - Lightning
I like this one. You can see from the start, that a lot of effort and not just money have been put into making this one. The song and music are cool with nice a cliffhanger chorus.
Rick Astley ft.The Unsung Heroes
Every One of Us
I really like Mr. Astley. This one is a very almost super positive music video. It is perfect for background music or driving.
Demi Lovato - Commander In Chief
In a way it is a okay song and video. The lyric is very relevant and important. It is so funny when people say "it is not bad" and by that also saying it is not good either - maybe just a bit childish.
NCT U - Make A Wish
I guess this one have caused a lot of wet female panties. However my underwear is still in okay condition. Nice mix of english and something not english. This one is truly a piece of shit - and I can say that all day.

2020-10-11 - Long working hours and a bad shoulder

I knew in advance, that this week at work would be long and hard. Else I would have been in Greece with my climbing buddies. I have been working from home mostly - however on tuesday I quitted work almost on time and went for the usual long walk around Amager Dike - just to get my mind off things.

1 / 14
Very green but still high buildings in the background
2 / 14
The dirt road to the dike
3 / 14
I wonder what they are going to do with the pipes?
4 / 14
Wow 20.000 meters - That you can not have that on a trailer
5 / 14
Going down to the highway bridge
6 / 14
And then on the outer dike toward Oresund
7 / 14
I know - I look stupid because of the big headphones
8 / 14
Just walking - the weather was windy and a little rain now and then
9 / 14
Fishing gear
10 / 14
A look behind the dike
11 / 14
Kite surfers having fun
12 / 14
A quick look back
13 / 14
As I wrote - huge headphones
14 / 14
The sun has begun to go down early now.
The reason I have long working day is, that we have to report the expected spending volume for this year and at the same time adjust our expected activity to the spending limit for next year. Naturally the we want to do more than the spending limit allows. Anyway boring stuff.

On wednesday at work I poured all my boiling tea over myself as I was trying to adjust the two screens connected to my workstation. I told my boss, that I might report it as a occupational injury. At work we have a bathroom. I went out there put my leg under the cold water until it mostly stopped hurting. This sunday it is mostly gone and not need for extra paper work on that account.


Next week most people are on holiday. Usually people take one week of autumn vacation in week 42. I decided to stay at work and finish all the work that have to be done before to deadline from City Hall. But I won't do any long working days next week. The record from last week was thursday, where I began working at 7am and turned my working computer at 6:15 pm. I even had to call Tina and ask her to bring some fast food with her home.

That also said - the only dag at the gym was this sunday. As my usual buddy still was out of town, I climbed with this lovely person from Italy. Next week will most likely be hard time at the gym. I already have a deal monday, wednesday and mostly sunday. My body is going to be so ruined next week.

Dua Lipa - Levitating Featuring DaBaby
I don't get this one. I really don't get why anyone would like to hear this one more than one time. The more I hear it the more I dislike it. What a piece of crappy disco. But funny to see, how it follows the usual recipe: Hot female singer for a half song - then a black rapper and then back to the female.
Winona Oak - Piano In The Sky
This is a lovely quiet song. The video is equal lovely. The piano is just awesome and the beautiful singing voice makes you want the hear more. One song is just not enough. Too bad that she is not on Bandcamp
Saya Noé - Under The River
A hard video to judge. I really don't like the song but the video is as strange as it is good. At the end it almost has a "Ring" moment. It very rare to see this kind of creativity in low budget videos. Great work.
Skylar Grey - Fucking Crazy
This is a song one have to listen to. You need to tune in on the lyric and then the song kind of swallow you. If you don't do that the song will just fly by. Lets see how many that can concentrate for 3 minutes and 14 seconds.  
Tay Money - Circus
What - is that diaper monkey? Sure was!
She make lip filler, botox and tattoos look cool. Or a least as long she is young. The lyric is actually very funny. Uzi Vert is only 1,63 meters high! This one is worth watching - great laugh.
Jay Griffy - DND
I admit - I only clicked on this video because I wanted to get a closer look at her tits. But she has black tape over them - I don't get why! Anyway the rest is kind of "what ever".

2020-10-04 - Got robbed, bike caput and new parking for the car

I totally forgot my monday selfie down at the bike parking. But I remembered as I got up stairs. On my way to work tuesday I took a morning picture over the inner harbor as I drove over Long Bridge. Just before I stopped for the picture there came a large "bang" from the rear wheel on my bike. At work I could see that a spoke had broken just next to another one, that broke some time ago. On my way home, I could feel, that the back wheel was a little offset. I went by my favorite bike store. They said they could fix the two spokes for around 250 Dkr. (33 euro). That meant no bike ride on wednesday.

Work have been a little crazy with a lot of meetings both in real person and via Teams. On tuesday I inherited a chair with an ass sweat stripe in a conference room. I quickly changed that one with another. On wednesday the same damn thing happened. But this time I had a great laugh with a cow worker about it.

I spend most of sunday evening trying to find a rental indoor parking. I found three possible places where one would demand some investigation. I started with the one I thought would be the cheapest and gave them a call on monday. The first number to the garage didn't work. After some internet search engine work I found out, which company was behind and gave them a call.

They could offer an indoor parking space for 250 Dkr. (33 Euro) less than I pay now. I all sounds good and I agreed on making a contract. They wanted the first rent up front and additional two months rent as a deposit. The hard part came, when I had to sign the contract online. Because I have a address protection I was not able to sign the contract online. Monday evening I ordered a cancel of the protection. On tuesday morning it had worked it way though all the systems and I was able to sign online. On saturday I enabled the address protection again, so everything is back to normal. Below are two pictures of the old garage.

On friday Tina and I had moving from the old garage to the new one. My gut feeling tells me, that this was a good choice and I already enjoy, that I only have half the walk to the car.

On Wednesday I took the car for at drive. I was mostly to get my mind off things. The weather was lovely and I even saw two hot air balloons. I miss my long walks. My plan is to begin walking again next week and to stop finding excuses to stay at home.

Sunday I got "robbed" at the gym. Some one stole my big yellow boulder chalk bag - dammit how stupid can one be! I decided not to make a scene. The thief was so "kind" to leave my sports tape. I will just buy a new one and totally tag it. I will know, that everytime I use it, I have earned the right to do so. Every time the thief use my bag, he will know, that its stolen one and not his to use. Hopeful a guilty conscience will grow inside this bad person. What a totally brain fart to make.

News on the Tube

Lukas Graham - Share That Love
(feat. G-Eazy)
In a way I love this song. It is a good song, lyric and awesome music video. He sure know how to perform and sing!
But on the other side, I have this feeling, that this song is a modern kind of prostitution of young music talents on slave contracts.
Songs for Sabotage - Cuts You Up
This is gold! - end of review!

I just had to buy (I paid 10 dollars ex. tax) this album at Bandcamp when it got released last friday
This song is "just" a cover version. But I don't care. The rest of the album is original and awesome.

Kygo, Donna Summer - Hot Stuff
This is great background, cooking, driving music or when you are on the move. Things just go faster when listing to this one.
To bad, that pretty fast the song is over.
Nachtblut - Die Toten Vergessen Nicht
I have a week spot for German soft heavy metal. The creepy vocal is totally cool. It is a lyric video, so you can follow the lyric. All in all a very successful music video which I really like.

2020-09-27 - New blade on my bike and the usual stuff

On monday I finally mounted the new blade on my bike. It only took around one hour including a fast test drive around the yard.

The news blade is a 42 tooth and 110 mm blade where the old one had 48 teeth. I got a little surprised how small the new one looked compared to the old one. The install was quickly over. I had to remove two links from the bicycle chain to make it fit.

Before the install one revolution with the bicycle pedal moved the bike 19 tiles. After the install the bike moved 17 tiles. Two less tiles must be a (2 / 19 x 100) 10,5 percent down gear. That also of match the hard facts of 6 less teeth / 48 teeth x 100 = 12,5 percent.

On wednesday I used the bike on my way to the gym an 4,5 km ride. Now the ride feels much better for my knees because it is easier to get up in speed. If this helps on my knees I might not have to buy a new e-bike as I expected to do.

I took my usually monday selfie - this time with my 17 year old "we are in control" t-shirt with 'Comical Ali'- meaning the Iraqi information minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf from the 2. gulf-war. Some small holes have begun to appear on it. 

On tuesday morning it was totally foggy and wednesday was even worse.

Monday evening it already got dark just after 7 pm and I could fell the lack of sun energy. Instead of just sitting and whining I went to the attic where we have a small room. I installed two lamps, so we have light inside the room. Still we have to plug a socket in the hallway up there - but I am happy. The lamps comes from my uncles house. It nice they got a second life.

At the end of the week the weather was very kind to us with up to 20 degrees. On thursday I took a stop at city center at City Hall Square and did 4 pictures offset by  90 degrees.

On saturday it was time for my fathers 80 years birthday. We had made a homemade present containing 2 white wine, coffee, chocolate, some hard candy, a candle and some napkins. Tina made all the packing by herself. We had lunch an inn called Nybro. Because of the chinese Corona we had to wear mask when we moved around the resultant. Only when sitting we could remove it.

Sunday I had the almost usual trip to the gym. However my usual buddy currently keep to herself. She is going abroad soon a really don't want to end up in quarantine some random place down south, if she should get infected. I therefore climbed with another nice lady called C. Suddenly 4 hours went by!

Afterward at home I found out, that I have got a letter. A real letter delivered by the postman! However it was bad news. The parking basement where I park my car have cancel my contract by the end of october. This means I have to find somewhere else to park every soon. I really don't like to just park on the street as people in this big city sometimes are thoughtless or just don't care about other people. 

The cancellation is kind of okay with me. I think they need the spaces because the building is changing to condos instead of renting out. The gate have been out of order for more than a month now. I was kind of playing with the thought about cancel myself at the end of october, if the gate hadn't been fixed.

2020-09-20 - More Chinese Corona, red wine and back to the normal everyday

Last weekend a good old climbing buddy and me had a three day climbing trip to the areal around Gothenburg in Sweden.

The first day we went to Seglora and the crag called "Gamla Berget". We had an awesome climbing day and left with our hands in ruins. I was the one driving and had brought my big tent. However the weather forecast was very tricky with a lot of rain. It is just not fun to wake up and take down a very wet tent when it rains. Therefore we booked a twin room at Lages Motel - a very cheap motel but with a lot of soul and a great pizza menu.

Day two was rain. We drove to "Viks Kile" just to check it out, at eat our kanelbullar. After that we drove to Sibracka. Here we could finally see an end of the rain on the weather radar. We began climbing in light rain and a rock soaked in water with small mini waterfalls. Soon after the wind became strong and the sun came out. It ended as a very nice climbing evening. It was dark as we reached our hotel "Spekeröd". It was an cheap unmanned hotel. The room was okay, however they had not sent us the access code and we had to call them.

Day three there was not end on the rain in sight. Therefore we decided to drive to Klätterdomen and do indoor climbing instead. Around 2 pm we were finish in our arms which was perfect as I had to drive my buddy to Halmstad and his ferry home. From there I also had to head home again.

Monday was a totally workhorse day from 7 am to just after 5 pm. I had a lot of catching up and I still had unread mails from before my vacation to Greece. I totally forgot to take a monday selfie! Usually the workload will peak from now and until medio october because of the annual cycle of assignments of tasks from City Hall.

On tuesday I had an early dentist appointment. I took my time on my way to work afterward and took a tuesday selfie instead in front of the Lake Pavilion. The weather was very kind with up to 25 degrees. On my way home, I also took a picture over the inner harbor.

Wednesday was gym day. Since the chinese Corona came to Denmark. The government have introduced an assembly ban. This last week it was lowered to 50 people. But thankfully the Danish Sports Confederation has now clarified, at the climbing gym is not included, at it is not an event or convention. But still people have to keep a distance. Wednesday evening was a tough at the gym. My fingers totally died on me. But this is only good - that means I still can improve my climbing.

On saturday I took a Han Solo session at the gym. The other had decided to take a trip to Gothenburg the weekend. It was nice just to be alone for once and tryout some bouldering. It has been a long time since last time and I totally sucked and once again ruined my fingers and got two flappers.

Saturday evening Tina and I made a sensation. We finally discovered a "red wine" that Tina likes. It is called "Birbet" and is from the winery Angelo Negro in Italy.

Naturally it is a desert wine and very very sweet. It only 5,5 alcohol - but cool we finally found one red wine.

This sunday it was my plan to change the blade on my bike. However I am just to lazy. I guess I have to do it next week then.

Back on the Tupe

Haliene - Walk Through Walls
It is an okay music video. That is even though it is made on the same recipe as many other music videos on the tube.
But it is good background music

Hjelvik - North Tsar
This is the uncensored version. However I am not entirely sure what is the be censored away. Anyway it kind of okay and way better than BTS and their 379 mio. views.- But still - that don't take that much from my perspective.

LightSkinKeisha - Pop Dat
I think I finally figured this one out. She is ironic! hah hah!

The lyric is kind of cool if you care to listen to it. This one is worth watching!

Kygo, Donna Summer - Hot Stuff
A totally no brainer - just some dance music you don't have to relate to.

2020-09-08 - Back from Greece

On thursday the 27. of august we book a flight to Greece. We took SAS flight SK777 from Copenhagen to Athens on sunday the 30. of august and came home this sunday the 6. of september. The house we booked via Airbnb. The rest of the vacation I will keep private.

This week is back to work. However I am totally busy with long working hours. Therefore this very short update. This coming weekend inclusive friday I am going on a short climbing trip to Sweden with a  old climbing buddy I haven't seen for years.

Else the usual monday selfie and I have bought a new blade for my bike. It is a smaller blade than the now I use now. I hope this will down gear my bike a little.

2020-08-28 - An early update - not much have happened

The first week of our vacation is almost over. To be honest - we have been lazy as hell. I spend both monday and wednesday playing Path of Exile. I have crated a new character and begun all over again from the beginning. I also passed over 1.000 playing hours!

Tuesday we tried to go to Louisiana. However the queue to get in was long and the car park almost full. Therefore we decided to abandon that plan and went for lunch at Old Humlebæk Inn.

After lunch we did a second try at Louisiana. But the car park was even more full. I just don't want to spend vacation standing in line - when we can come back later.

Thursday was gym day - man that was hard. I was totally wasted afterward. I had yet anther go on the yellow one and came by the tricky part. However I still need brutal force for the rest.

The next update is kind of uncertain. Tina and I have vacation and we might just go somewhere to have fun.

2020-08-23 - One hot week again

I began monday with the usual morning selfie. I was the first to arrive and took a quick picture. Monday was hot as hell with temperatures up to 30 degrees. Since June we have changed places in the building and are now sitting on the sun side and the building have no air-condition.

At 2 pm I pulled the plug and went home. I asked Tina if she wanted to join me on a trip to the beach. She would rather sit in the shadow on our balcony. Instead of going to the beach, I took my bike and drove to Amager dike where I jumped In the pleasant cold Øresund. I was very nice sitting on the dike – when it became to hot, I just got chilled in the water.

Tuesday was the same – very hot. However I had to stay are work and closed down before my vacation. But still the I went home around 3 pm with only 35 minutes overtime. In the afternoon the weather began to change a little. Still hot but more clouds and wind. Therefore I took a powernap instead of jumping in Øresund again.

Wednesday I had a course in quality standards. It was super relevant but very slow. I was booked from 8:30 to 2 pm. But in reality the course began at 9:10 and a lot of breaks.

Both wednesday and saturday I was at the gym. On wednesday there were so many people at the gym that it just ended out being a workout. However on saturday I once again tried out my new yellow 6C project route.

Thursday was a great day - I finally decided to cut off my hair and return to the normal haircut. This long hair was simply to annoying in the morning. I want things to be quick and efficient.

Later in the evening Tina and I went to the cinema at Fields where we saw Train to Busan 2: Peninsula. The film was okay - but not great. I better like the first one. As we left the shopping mall. We were almost the only people around.

Both friday and sunday we helped cleaning out my uncles house. After my parents have decided to have some professionals to make a total cleanout we are mostly just looking around to find anything of any value or worth saving. The last "untouched" place in the house was the attic. However there was absolute nothing worth not throwing out.

On friday the paper dumpster was emptied. But with the help of Tina and gravity it was quickly filled again.


We have taken four lamps back home. Two old oil lamps and two other ones, where you can fix electric light. We have also taken some very old tram furniture. I have made a quick clean and gave them some leather shine.

Next week is both open and a black box. I know we are going to Louisiana and I will most likely go to the gym twice. The big IF is, if we are going to buy tickets for Greece. It all depends on thursday, where the danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs updates their travel guidelines.

2020-08-16 - One hot week again

The weather have been exceptional pleasant - lots of sun and temperatures up to 30 degrees.

I had a harsh monday. I woke up with a little cough. This is not uncommon for me and usually I would just go to work. But this chinese Corona makes it all very very complicated. It is just not a smart move going to work with a cough even if it a little hygge cough. There is also the other thing about social shaming and pissing off coworkers or putting them at risk.

I quickly got the car and drove to work and picked up my computer and went home. At home I wrote my boos about working from home. The funny part was, that the 45 min. drive with AC made the cough go away. On tuesday I decided to go to work as normal even though I was a little concern if I would get any comments about 2 weeks of quarantine. I was happy to learn, that people respect being careful and be cautious - but there is no reason to panic. All went well.

On wednesday I had a climbing session at the gym. After I have finished the pink 6b+ project I have begun working on this yellow 6c as my new project. I will try and remember to take a photo next time around. beginning to climb these (for me) harder routes have resulted in random pains in my fingers. I guess I have to start using tape again.

Some of the buddies from the gym decided to make an impulse climbing trip to Sweden. However I had to decline because Tina and I had this dinner deal with one of my coworkers on saturday evening.

On my way home friday I went by my favorite wine shop and bought a box of Barbera D'Alba Doc and some other impulse shopping. The dinner saturday evening was great. It was the perfect gathering of imperfect people - like being home. I got drunk and as Tina and I went home after midnight I left this garlic flute in the metro. Sometimes things just don't make sense - not even to me. 

The danish prime minister had a press conference early saturday. Usual that means more bad news about the chinese Corona. From next saturday warring facemasks will be mandatory on all public transport in Denmark.

Tina is now on vacation from work and on wednesday I too will go on vacation. We have no urgent need for buying masks right now or aleast we can wait three weeks.

2020-08-09 - One hot week

Finally we gone a real good summer week here in Denmark with temperatures over 30 degrees. Driving to and from work have been very enjoyable. I began monday with the usual monday selfie. On my way home I took a picture over the inner harbor. My climbing buddy was away until sunday - but that has never been a problem for me. On tuesday I climbed with my trad climbing buddy and did some catching up since we haven't been seeing since all this chinese Corona came and our trad season have been ruined. I drove directly from work though the city center to the gym.

On thursday I had yet another climbing session. I was able to work hard on this pink 6b+ I wrote about last week. I had three attempts and failed. However the last attempt was mainly because I was tired in my body. However I managed to do some tweaks to my climbing flow and I have high hope for my sunday session. 

All week I have been eating my lunch outside. At work there is this bench 5 minutes walk away. I really appreciate this quiet moment. I am still sad about the two coworkers who decided to quit their jobs. In 1 1/2 week Tina and I are having our joint holiday.

We haven't planned anything yet as it in the current fluent situation is impossible.

I am almost finish with my subpage about my Norwegian trip. All I need now is to make an epilogue of some kind or maybe a list of my travel expenses.

On saturday we went to my uncles house again to help cleaning it out. We have found these weekly magazines going from 1959 to 1982. The collection is complete and in good condition. I am going to try at sell them on Lauritz. I have never done something like that before - but the alternative could throwing them out.

Next could become a little fuckup. I have already committed myself to climb both tuesday (big wall) and wednesday in the gym. At work there will be lots of things to do.

Another issue is, that the chinese Corona numbers are rising in Denmark as people come home from vacation and/or have stopped working from home. I wouldn't be surprised, if we once again was asked to work from home. Time will tell - it always does.

Anyway - I will enjoy the sun the rest of this sunday and head for the gym at 6 pm :-)

2020-08-02 - Climbing 80 meters - great fun

This week was kind of intense. Actually so intense that I have forgotten most part of the week. Anyway lets do this chronological.

Monday was time for the usual selfie at work. This week I had two workdays at home. My boss wrote, that we are supposed to be at our workplace the whole week. But on request we may work from home. The next two weeks I will only be working from home on thursday.

Me and my climbing partner took this multi pitch course last year because of Amager Bakke. Now it has finally opened and on tuesday we did our first ascent of the four stage multi pitch. It was great and we will surely do it again soon. however the route setting was perhaps not that great. But I will wait until we have climbed it some more, before I begin to complain.

Both last sunday and on thursday evening at the gym I have been working on the kind of easy route (red) (6a+) but still a tricky on.

On sunday I was still shaking on the route. The biggest problem is when to clip and how not to put too much pain in your fingers. Somehow I feel afraid and out a lot of afford in hanging on with my fingers.

On thursday I had finally persuaded my body to do the climb in one go. This time it actually felt okay and I had even more power left as I clipped the top anchor.

I guess I have begun to develop some kind of muscle memory. One of my goals is, to be able to climb every route in the gym up to 6a+.

I immediately continued on my real project which is a 6b+ pink. It's an all around route working both fingers, strength, balance and naturally endurance.

On saturday it felt like, that I have all the movements. I just need to put it together is one go. I have to be quick and execute  it all in a perfect climb.

I guess next time I will have a go on it will be on next sunday as my buddy is on vacation from work and climbing.

On friday Tina and I visited one of my climbing buddies for homemade pizza and wine. He is from Italy and he did his mothers recipe. We eat around 9.

On saturday I was back at the gym (again). Sunday was kind of sad. Tina and I began by visiting her father grave. Sunday was his birthday. Usually we didn't come to his birthdays as he never invited anyone. Most likely because of my mother in law. Anyway - now we always come. We cleaned his stone and trimmed the grass around his stone.

Afterward we went to my dead uncles house to help my parents cleaning it out. Oh man - there is still so much left. Hopefully next week, we will be able to coordinate who is doing what and who is trying to sell what. 

2020-07-26 - I wish I had more time
First week without my el-bike. That means a sweaty bike ride to and from work. That is just fine with me for now. Anyway I don't have any money any more. I got the Mastercard statement for july. I total I spend almost 2.000 Euro (2.200 US dollars) on my little impulse trip to the north cape. All my short term savings are hereby gone. That figure does not include road taxes and food which I already have bought. If I have time next week, I will do a total financial state on the trip.

It have been a quite and at the same time a busy week. It is still very quite at work. I finally got time to do some catching up on things. Wednesday I  had a climbing session from 10 to just after 1 pm. I work from home from about 6:30. The plan was also to work afterward. However in the real work, I was just too tired and had to take a powernap.

I had long workdays both tuesday and thursday to compensate. On friday my Subaru Crosstrek was at the mechanic. It had been recalled from Subaru for some safety check and replacement of parts.

On saturday I had a combi day. First I did a long walk with a coworker. The goal was to find three hidden and forgotten giants. I was an awesome 17,5 km. long walk. After the walk she, me and Tina had dinner. Later yet another coworker of mine came by for wine and drinks.

1 / 10
The first 15 km. we didn't even had to cross a road
2 / 10
Finding the first giant
3 / 10
Meet the Giant "Small Tilde"
4 / 10
Some random text
5 / 10
Meet the Giant "Thomas on the mountain"
6 / 10
Some random text
7 / 10
A very scary tunnel
8 / 10
Someone had a dinner
9 / 10
Meet the Giant "Friendly Teddy"
10 / 10
Some random text

You can find the route on ViewRanger. The hidden giants are the work of Thomas Dambo.

On saturday I had a session at the gym around 2 pm. I left the gym around 7. I am totally finish now.

Next week we a most likely going to try out the climbing at Amager Bakke. That is most likely going to be cool. Else it is going to be work.

I have added day 5, 6 and 7 to my Norwegian trip page. Hopeful I will have time next week to add more days.

2020-07-19 - Back home in Denmark again

Back home in Denmark from my 15 day trip to Norway - back at work and an almost normal everyday.

The trip to Norway didn't go as expected. I left sunday the 28. of june. I did an allday drive to around Bjorli where I drove over a 1.000 meter up on the mountainside. However the path was block by even more snow than last year. But instead of turn around I just made my campsite right there.

In advanced I knew the weather forecast not was in my favor - The two first days were actually just fine and good and clear'ish weather. The third day was rest day to spare my old body and knees. However on the third day the temperature went down significantly and I had snow/ice on the tent. The weather forecast said, there would be much more of the same.

Therefore I decided to pull the plug on the fourth day at drive up to North Cape instead of camping in a tent in ice rain and snow. I had three overnight stays on my way north. I had two hole days at Honningsvaag. Still with rain and clouds of cause. I did one long monster hike 32,4 km to Helnes Lighthouse and drove to the most northern point of Europe the other day. For just a short while, I was the most northern asshole in hole Europe - that have to go on my curriculum vitae.

I took five driving days to come back to Denmark. In total I drove 4.500 km in my Subaru Crosstrek over 15 days.

Well that trip didn't go as expected. But aleast I had a huge experience and a great time even though the weather sucked. You can read more on these two following pages:

The rest of the week

Coming back to work was both easy and hard. It was easy because everyone else had left for vacation. No stress or a mailbox with tons of messages. It was hard because two of my coworkers had quit their jobs while I was in Norway. This is like the 8 person either to get fired, replaces or quit themselves the last couples of years . And our department is like under 25 people. This is too much but it don't change, that I am very happy and enjoy my job.

Also the hole week I was haunted by computer problems. First SAP has some kind of malfunction which influences the way you create new projects in the module PPM. I had to write our helpdesk and City Hall. On the 3. all of our project have to be created in PPM with correct master data. That is kind of hard, when the system don't work.

Then my left and right arrow key stopped working. Totally annoying - after some time I located the problem to the extra Logitech software which have been installed. As soon as I did a ctrl+alt+del and terminated the program the keys worked again. Then after an Offices 365 update, the Excel sheet we use for our flextime stopped working. And to all that -> the response time has been greater than my patience all week.

Monday - finally back at work. Much had change. Instead of fix seating we now have activity-based working. I can therefore choose where I want to sit depending on what kind of day it is. In the morning it was back on taking a morning selfie. Monday was also Tina's birthday - in the evening Tina and I went out for dinner at Cooks & Cows. I was kind of tired and accidentally ordered the vegi burger Treehugger. Holy crap - thankfully Tina didn't notice. I just saw the word "aioli" and just went for it!

On wednesday I was back at Blocs & Walls and climbing - that was nice. On friday I cleaned and washed my car. After two weeks and 4.500 km in Norway it had to be done. I noticed, that it got a stone chips on the hood I have to fix soon. Next friday I have to drive to the mechanic. I got a letter (yes a real psychical letter) from Subaru Nordic about a recall. I could understand on my mechanic it was a lot of work or maybe they just wanted the car the hole day instead of my sitting and waiting and giving them stress.

The penis incident

Think it was thursday I was standing in line in our local Netto store. In from of me was this mommy and little boy. Suddenly this little boy decided to  drop his pants and underpants and began to fumble with his penis.

Heh heh his mother was cool enough and told him not to do that in the middle of store. Up the pants went again! I simply didn't know what to do - Should I laugh? Should I look away? Yeah - what to do? #MeeToo! Thankfully we are very relaxed to nudity in Denmark.

The e-bike is dead

On sunday as I left Blocs & Walls my e-bike made some funny noises. Then it made even more noises and went dead. It has been dead ever since.

It had a feeling, than it would happen at some point. Already after two or three months I could feel, that this bike was not a quality product. It was confirmed last november where the motor was change. I am not going to get it fixed this time. I just sense that other stuff is failing too. The bicycle crank make funny noises, the gear works and the wheels are a little off.

Until winter time or I change my mind, I will be using my backup city racer bike from Kildemoes


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